Sweep Across Azeroth Astride Eve’s Ghastly Rider in World of Warcraft

This mount does not seem like a good value for my $25.

we all know what $$$ and who runs the show now! WoW is not the same game we all fell for and spent thousands of hours playing! i can expect no less from the machine.
to me it’s all weak sauce!!!

Yeah, the grammar and spelling on that made my brain itch LOL

Why is this mount so expensive??
32$ plus tax 36.16$ CAD.
Getting greedy, can’t even fix the guild bank issue.

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While some people might disagree, I would say that no mount is worth $25. I can buy one or more decent full indie games for that price.

But of course, it’s all up to the buyer. But Blizzard’s gotta love when people buy mounts!

Then leave. Stop whining.

Then don’t buy. It ain’t that hard of a concept

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The WOW tokens were the ultimate nail in the coffin. Instead of finally going after bots and gold sellers, just make our own token and completely obliterate the economy.

I dont even see where to buy this mount, I even did a full search in my mounts tab for the name and it doesnt even list as an option for a mount


If giving other players the chance to obtain something that was never intended to be exclusive makes you want to quit, then so be it.

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Thank you! I thought there was just a loose connection between the chair and the keyboard on my end!!

Hopefully we will get an answer!

i was hoping it was going to be on the trader tender shop but no dice :frowning: i have 12,600ish tenders to burn so i ended buying the hand mount (minds me of an old rare in everquest) and the scarecrow outfit.

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Soon RNG will have no part in game, even Legendary’s, Titles and achievements will be in Trading post or in game shop.

The only thing exclusive in the game is your battle tag.

I was able to buy the mount in my Warband LOGIN screen (NOT the Bnet Launcher, which just links to this article). At the top of your Warband screen where all your characters are, there are three links: 1. Shop, 2. Menu, 3. Realms.

Under Shop, the Eve’s Ghastly Rider is listed on the left-hand side. Hope that helps.


The mount is available for purchase from your Warband Login screen, not the Bnet app. At the top of your Warband screen where all your characters are, there are three links: 1. Shop, 2. Menu, 3. Realms.

Under Shop, the Eve’s Ghastly Rider is listed on the left-hand side.

(Sorry for repeat, was trying to reply to others)

Well let me load up the game cause last I checked that specific spot, it is there, but has no price tag.

Turns out it has its own tab, it is not under mounts. Thanks! Buying it now!

And it is in my collection. I could kiss you!.. with consent of course :rofl:

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Yay!! No worries. I, too, lost my mind trying to buy it in the Bnet app :rofl: Makes no sense why it’s not there and in the Warband Login Shop only.


RIGHT? Like the ingame shop SHOWS it, but until you go into the Login Screen shop menu and look for a SEPARATE button with Eve’s name on it, you just cannot see or get to it. And now, I must take a victory lap over Dornogal! :rofl:

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Good RNG is a horrible concept.

They are pixels in a game nothing about any of them is actually rare