Sweep Across Azeroth Astride Eve’s Ghastly Rider in World of Warcraft

sweet, Ill have to check it out after work - thanks!!

quick question, if you are riding the broom… can you do the dragon riding flying thru rings on a broom or does it morph you on an over sized dragon? I know if you are on a smaller mount it seems to put you on your default dragon flight dragon but if you morph into the sand drake at least it doest put you on the dragon flight one.

I put in a ticket regarding this very issue. I wanted to buy it, no option to buy. GM response was that it wasn’t available for purchase until Nov 4. Which made zero sense to me because it says ‘SHOP NOW’ and through November 4. It also says preferred transportation of the Fenlow family (especially during Hallow’s End.)

But FFxiv tells you its going to the store after, they messed up one time and learned lol wow has done this multiple times.

For many of us the token is the only reason we are still playing. I haven’t given Daddy Blizz a cent since Nov 2015 and I’ve only dropped my sub for 5 months, bought numerous pets, mounts and mogs and used countless server, race and faction swaps. Not to mention every expac since WoD. If the token went away today I’d stop playing when my time ran out (next July) and never come back. For me the token is the second best thing WoW has come up with. :hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil::see_no_evil:

Where do I buy this? I’m seeing people sharing screenshots of this with a price and purchase option below it. But I’ve looked all over the store and can’t find it.

I’m wondering the same issue. Especially since I’ve seen people post screenshots with a purchase option and price.

I FOUND IT. Go to the log in screen. At the top is the shop. On the left hand side you’ll see it. Hope this helps people like me that have been looking for a week

Bless you for getting out the crayolas for me!!

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Thank you. I was able to find it with your instructions.

Weird to have it only from the “SHOP” option from the login screen and not the other, normal, “Shop” locations.

Anyway, problem solved.


Well, since I was taking a break last October and missed out, the broom mount in the Shop was a delightful purchase. Wanted a permanent one forever.

Thanks Blizz!

there are so many mounts in the game so at this point who cares.

spending money on pixels after you already bought the game and are paying a monthly fee, it was a delightful purchase? Okay.


Please express Jejune for us.


Why not? it’s my entertainment money. This is why I work.


ps. $25 is like 15 min of work

I did three races on it today and it worked beautifully

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trust me, I wish I could take the credit for it. Someone else pointed it out for me and I felt so dumb in that moment lol I kept looking under mounts and it turns out it had its own tab in the actual shop. I could understand it if it was part of a bundle or it was part of a six month or 12 month subscription plan. But if it’s just a amount all by itself, put it with the rest of the amount lol :rofl:

if you haven’t found it already, all you have to do is be on your character, login screen, and click the shop button at the top of the window from your war band. While in there, look at the buttons on the left-hand side and you will see one that actually has eves’s name in it, and it will it will be a button all by itself

I had to look it up but I can do that one! :neutral_face:


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Wha Wha, Listin to the whinning crying man child, Bizzzzz Its not right to play on peoples emotions !!! Are you kidding me, All this that I lost from my guild bank, Wha Blizz your making it easier for me to leave the game I subscibe yearly and wha wha I think I’m gonna go monthly wha wha !!

Dude this is a subscription based game, it cost crazy $$ to leave the lights and servers on 365 days a year. Can you do us all a favor ??? Stop crying and whinning NO one cares, Grow up and stop complaining !! What is it with you people dont you ever stop crying and whinning, worse then children !!

Forgot about the Trading post until this popped up lol.

It’s so boring that didnt even care going back after first day.