Sweep Across Azeroth Astride Eve’s Ghastly Rider in World of Warcraft

If i missed it last year, I would buy it. I wish I could buy some limited time mounts I missed. The in ame shop mounts are purely optional. Just because you dont want to buy it why should you gatekeep others who do? Why are WOW players such gatekeepers?

I don’t have to buy it I got it last year though the Trading Post tenders…my beef is how they put too the shop instead of offering it up again in the Trading post or can’t you understand that now…all the mess players have gone though this past two month now with TWW …lose of mats and gold out of Guild banks…nothing hardly returned to the players now…crazy amount of down time…and guess what right now their payment page is Screwed up and its messing with my sub payment and others payments to pay for the game…since its the start of a new month most subs come out this time frame…

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I didn’t know WoW subscriptions worked like rent payments.

Yes they do depends on when you renew your sub when it gets taken out…mine is right now …and I have an huge issue with that now as payment is pending and I wanted to change which Card it went too …last time I changed cards due to lose of my card Blizzard took away a mount and pet I had paid for in a 12 month sub but cause I had to change out which card to make my payments from they took back what I had earned and I had to fight them to get it back …so I waited to last 3 days of my sub payment time frame to change cards…and its screwed up now and I am not the only one having this issue as I have found out…

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It should be on the TP for tendies, not on the shop for real money


Oh, so not most subs. Your sub. Got it.

I don’t see it in the store either…

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We need to give them more money… O wait we dont

I don’t think this should be in the In-Game store, what if someone want’s to gift it to someone else, due to it being in the In-Game store that’s not possible. I would love to be able to Gift stuff like this.

I do not see item at all. Not necessarily buying it but idk how i would if i wanted to.

it’s only in the In-game shop after you log into the game

Unsure if this is the first time that’s happened, as I think Tyrael’s Charger would fall into that category. But personally I have no issue with them putting old mounts in the shop that players missed out on in the game. I would rather see that than have them sell a mount and then offer it for free in-game at a later date, which has already happened.

It’s not instant cast. Boo!

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It sure isn’t in my in game shop at all …yes I got it last year from the Trading post but still I can not see it in my shop tab which I should be able too…ever other mount and pet I brought still shows up in my in game shop panel but they have green check mark next to them saying I have them …that broom offer should show up but doesn’t for me.

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They should of offered up the Broom like they are offering up RAF Zebra mount this month again in the Trading Post…the RAF Zebra was just in the Trading post a few months back this year …I mean esp after the boondoggle the did to players with their Guild banks loses…and supposedly not be able to recover all the stuff lost by guild bank owners…the RAF Zebra has been in the Trading Post twice now…

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You have to be in game to see it to purchase. It’s not under the mounts tab.

Hunny I was in game when I posted that now and its not in my Store panel now…

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Man , right before they post, Blizzard Posters must feel like the Ambassadors that the Forsaken sent out to the Alliance.

People will find a way to be outraged over anything.

no one is being forced to buy it. get over it
if you want to quit then quit, don’t complain about it in the forums.

That was justifiable outrage, this isn’t.