2 words. Dual box. Thats right. Roll two of the same class. Voila! Dual spec.
One is now your heal spec. The other is your dps spec.
I just saved you tons of gold. Please send gold to me once classic launches. Thanks.
Your welcome.
Not that I’m aware of but sometimes ideas just pop right into my head and I have no idea where they came from. Lol.
This has been my plan for sometime now.
Running two mains and I can build all the twinks/alts I want to with out paying for runs.
what part of the 1.12, is hard for you? i would like to hear your reasoning, besides ‘time sink’, of why vanilla should be 3.1 (aka BC) instead.
but to add onto this; there were many things one could do. instead of it being a gold sink. but the point of it, was to create a connection to your class and spec, thus- value. now adays, people delete their characters without a second thought. thats not including the anti spec that many seem to have. none of that existed then. thats not including the ability to throw away actual players, in LFR etc. each class had their strengths and weaknesses and we learned to value those strengths. not homogenize them like they do today.
you were your spec. you lived it and you became it. and throwing it away, was detrimental.
here is a tip for your question; roll two of the exact same class but different spec. not only will that give you longevity but it will also serve your needs. AND save you gold in the long run. just swap to whichever one, when the time calls for it.
Lacking tanks and heals were part the vanilla. Don’t forsake it just because it’s convenient but enjoy the game that way. Most people were ok with it at that time so…
Since they won’t be rebalancing classes I’m hoping they’ll include dual spec. It’s not a gameplay change and it would certainly make people more likely to roll healers if they weren’t stuck healing all the time.
They haven’t said anything about changing how spec swapping will work, so I’m assuming they’re leaving it the same. It has a cap of 50g and deteriorates over time. Their thinking at the time was that a high cost for swapping points around would make your choices matter more. I agree with that.
Also, it would require changes to the UI aesthetic which would be immersion breaking. If you use your professions and or the AH for traiding, 50g isn’t hard to come by.
I don’t see them bringing out Dual Specs. I believe they were looking to try and keep as much of the Classic feel as possible but making sure to fix things that were in need of fixing along the way.
Anything aesthetic I’m sure they will leave in or think about it on a lesser scale of affecting the game. However, anything with mechanics and gameplay is going to be looked at as something that doesn’t need to be changed unless absolutely needed. Dual speccing concerns gameplay so it more then likely won’t be brought in to Classic.
This is a role-playing game and you’re supposed to make choices that have consequences. Your skill point budget is one of those choices. If that’s not fun for you, you shouldn’t play it.
My justification why this could be needed (a lot of assumptions):
o Classic WoW will not have as many players and will slowly decrease similar to retail.
o Lack of Horde Paladins decreases the number of potential tanks significantly.
o A more mature (older) playing audience does not have time to level/gear as many alts as they did in the past.
o Players will leave faster (killing servers) if there is no end game play, due to shortages.
o Sharding, LFG, and cross realm play fixed this but killed the “community”. So it’s not a viable solution.
I understand the “traditionalist” view but we also have to consider long teen survival of the game. The biggest demand is the return of the “community”. I don’t see how swapping talents, like 3.0 would destroy this, in fact a larger/more diverse player base would make it better!