I’m wondering how blizzard plans to handle swapping specs in WoW Classic. Although the nostalgic feeling is great, I think there could be issues (especially since the Horde since they don’t have paladins). Also leveling as a healer is brutal enough. Personally, I enjoyed and recommended patch 3.1 version with Dual Spec. What are people’s thoughts and opinions?
Classic is Classic and should not be changed to patch antying.anything.
They should implement it as it was back when it was first released, aside from the plethora of bugs and cheese mechanics and maybe update the damn graphics, everything else should be as is.
If we old school players had to suffer with paying X gold to change from DPS to heals and back again, you should too.
If you are good enough on either a healer or DPS it won’t matter, you will always find players willing to join you be it for levelling, dungeons or raids.
The only good thing about current and changing to whatever at any given time is that if you are bored at waiting you can change specs, and if you are bad, you can change specs, and if your DPS sucks because your iLVL also sucks, just change to tank or healer and blame the other for not being good enough, trust me, it happens, I see way too many ‘DPS’ or Intellect tanks in LFG/LFR and too many who join as X spec but decide against it like those druids who join as a healer and sit in feral form with agility gear.
Yeah let’s add dual spec. Have fun saving up your thousand gold for that.
To your point, we don’t have to worry about the LFG/LFR system, because it didn’t exist! I’m not complaining about it costing gold either. I just think, a lack of tanks and healers could be an issue which could impact keeping a steady player base. Dual Spec was a solution that worked.
You know what else didn’t exist in vanilla? Dual spec. You just destroyed your own argument.
They mentioned they’d keep somethings that were beneficial to the game that weren’t necessarily available in vanilla, this is one that I think could be.
When the game first started there was a lack of everything, you would find a good server or guild and stick with your spec.
I started with a hunter and spent more time outside my guild than in it, the only reason I was there was because they were one of the very few Australian raiding guilds.
I built up a lot of in game friendships to allow me to find groups anytime I was on, but most importantly during peak could always find a dungeon group with some really good players who knew what we could offer thus making sure we actually made progress.
Sadly it may end up the same way because if it doesn’t Blizzard will make changes and than it will no longer be Classic.
Where did they say that?
I’m for no changes. Wait 2 years then post this.
See the new article on published on November 3rd. They stated, “Many decisions we made were fairly clear cut. Things like Dungeon Finder were clearly a “no.”… Other decisions were slightly less clear cut."
Link to said post?
Notice that every example they gave was an example of something that changed during classic, or them rolling back to pre bc release winning out. Even something as simple as instant mail to guild and alts is still being repealed
Don’t see it happening. It’s one of those things that is just unique about Vanilla that if changed, well it makes for a different feeling game.
Swapping specs is not as easy as it is in retail. You would visit your class trainer in your cities and request it at a price that got higher for each time. While it locked you into a spec; there were resources out there to help you find a good build for a style you’re trying to achieve.
In fact, respeccing in WoW was best done while you leveled then finding the final build at the end game.
First off what are “specs”? I thought we were playing a class.
On a more serious note, Blizzard was mostly talking about features that exist outside of the scope of classics game mechanics. Having multiple talent tree setups would fall into the category of features that embodies flying, transmog, and dungeon finder which were clearly not a part of the “vanilla” experience. These were the clearly “NO” Designs. The less clear cut decisions have to do more with external factors such as witch parts of battlenet will classic support and should we add loot trading so we don’t have to hire more GM’s to fix issues with misplaced loot. This will also probably consists of features that weren’t around for all of classic such as character transfer, dishonorable kills, and patch version differences. The devs used the example of debuff slots as a decision that was not clear cut due to it only being there as a way to keep servers from crashing.
You can respec by paying a “modest” amount to your class trainer! That’s what Classic was and what it will be, there is no way Blizzard will add dual spec.
I do wonder how they will implement the respec cost, I think later on in Classic the max respec cost was capped? Earlier on it went up with 5g each time you respecced?
I think it will use the old 50g cap
Hopefully, Swapping specs shouldn’t be a constant thing since Classic WoW won’t see mechanical changes. (Or I would hope so.)
I vote no, but it wouldn’t be a deal breaker for me.