The title says it all. There should be no 5 second cast time, this is a waste and just feels annoying. Make it a toggle and instantaneous. Sometimes people just want to hover while they go afk for a moment, etc.
BlizZard is punishing players that like to use both.
it should be the same speed as mounting up at least 5 seconds seems a bit much.
I’m trying to figure out how the swapping works.
I mounted and it flew slow then changed and flew like a drunken sailor. Only flew to vault to grab loot before work but it feels weird.
Somehow it feels like Ions way of punishing druid flight form lol
inb4 the clueless sods who think it’s due to some technical restriction.
There’s a button… with a tooltip just like everything else in the game.
I believe there is an actual cast time to prevent abuse that would come, ironically, from the Druid class beings you can insta-cast your flight form to begin with.
While I wholeheartedly agree that 5 seconds is too long, I think a one-second cast would be much more ideal.
Didn’t notice it only hopped on a mount to get to vault really fast before having to log to go to work. Thanks!
If BlizZard sees players are using DR long distances and TBC normal flying mount for questing that is too much fun.
Fun is not allowed.
And the nerf hammer comes out.
This or let us choose which mount we want static and which ones we want dynamic.
Don’t worry, when TWW drops you won’t have an option for anything but Skyriding. Enjoy!
This is how I originally assumed it would work. Any non-dragon riding mount would defaultly work as a normal flying mount.
Wrong. Ground mounts are always an option. Everything can be completed without skyriding. There are several videos on youtube demonstrating it.
TWW is not really well designed with ground mount usage. So yes causing more friction for tools like DR and TBC normal flying is a bad look IMO.
I would prefer a 1 second cast time to switch, but since i just stay in skyriding, the 5 second cast is fine. Not a big deal at all. I am shocked at all the QQ over this. I believe ion is punishing those that cheese the system.
Yeah I agree.
The 5 second penalty was put in place by someone that doesn’t play modern WoW.
it is already a toggle. . .a 5 second one.
I dunno why one would ask for a toggle to be changed into a toggle, unless they are not intelligent enough to understand what a two syllable word means. . .
The penalty of five seconds should not exist. It is a simple as that!
spend more than 5 seconds crying about it then. . .