Swap out Summon Darkglare with Dark Soul: Misery for Aff

If you read them all, it details exactly what I have been saying, and it looks like I’m not the only person here who sees it.

Lol and so far, all you have done is proven that you don’t know what you’re talking about and get ticked off when people correct you, then try and act high and mighty afterwards.
Judging from what I saw on your previous posts before you turned your profile private, this isn’t the first time you’ve done something like this here on the forums, so… bye!

Still waiting? Where is it?

I hate our damage being baked into 3 minute CDs in general. Affliction is basically gaining a new DoT in shadowlands (Unstable affliction and how it used to work), and they go right back to spamming malefic rapture (new spell that pretty much will function like the UA we currently have in BFA).

Affliction should’ve never been a burst spec; it was a rot spec for the past 15 years until they changed it in Legion/BFA. Our damage should be tied to our dots and drains, or shadowbolt should function like it used to where it actually interacted with our dot damage.

If you compare how shadowbolt felt in something like WoTLK it’s night and day. Once you had your dots up shadowbolt felt like it chunked. DoT durations weren’t so short, and you had haunt if you went full affliction. So you’d maintain your DoTs, maintain haunt, and shadowbolt had a stacking buff that increased your damage.

Felt way more satisfying than applying a couple dots and just spamming UA/Malefic rapture until you run out of combo points, I mean “shards”. Then you just spam shadowbolt which feels like absolute trash in BFA, and half your damage is tied to 3min CDs which is never what affliction used to be like.

If you compare it to MoP where we had haunt, satisfying DoT damage, malefic grasp/drain soul, soulburn, soul swap, etc it is night and day the amount of interaction you had with your spells.

Last but not least… if you’re gonna make me spam shadow bolt for another expansion, give me a glyph for skull bolt. I hate the new spell effect with a passion.


I agree with the poster. Gives affliction more identity away from demo. And nothing feels good to me about having to summon a pet to empower my dots. I want my avatar to be the dot lord.


Are you actually this dense, or did you not see my reply that quoted you saying this stuff? You even replied to it.

How sad. If you can’t realize what you said with your own words, I’m not going to waste anymore time trying to help you.

I’d like to see the old shadow bolt glyph come back where it fired in 3 different shards.


Nothing in those quotes says what you have claimed. You seem to read something and completely see it differently… I dont know what to say? I’m sure there’s a name for that symptom there.

I agree 110% that the three specs should all have different thematic variations of a dps cooldown to utilize but the “Darksoul” talents are all very boring lines of talents.

However, I agree with the premise that summoning a demon isn’t necessary the best fit for Affliction/Destruction, although it still sits within the confines of being acceptable (acceptable from a very basic coolness factor).

Oh man I loved that glyph too. Either one would make me happy.


I do see both points, I like Darkglare, but I also like the idea of something different.

Perhaps a demon that actually extends DoTs and Helps with its own unique DoTs?, more on the side of “Affliction” style.

I’ve always wanted to fight side by side with a Dreadlord, summon him for 30 seconds, hey could just mix that in with Dark Soul Misery, summons a Dreadlord for 30 seconds increases your haste and spams shadow bolt volleys on all targets with Agony??, so we get haste, a cool demon and helps with AoE? Or if single target does a single target spell?

Replaces Darkglare if you choose this talent?

Well played. I love when posters like him try and stir the pot and the conversation just politely moves past them.

The silence is deafening.


We have to state our minds otherwise people like him have a majority say in what the class should be like.

It would be cool if affliction could go demonless with a talent. Grimoire of Sacrifice is still pretty weak in its former iteration. The utility it offers doesn’t compete with an actual demon and that’s the problem. If the talent could just push our pets damage AND proper or better utility to the caster then it could stand a chance as the pure evil warlock caster fantasy that some people want.


I hate that if I want to play a petless DOT class shadow priest seems to be the only option. For some reason I want a ranged assassin rogue quite badly.

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So tired of people who literally do nothing in the game, raid, pvp, nothing at the high level. But are the loudest voices. Muh class fantasy!!

Dark glare does not fit aff at all. Almost every high end warlock pvp and raid say it. It’s just clunky. We need to get something different as a main cd for aff!


Especially going into BFA where UA is (finally) being reversed to how it should have remained and we no longer have any “burst” phase where having Darkglare would be beneficial for the purpose of extending stacked DoTs.

I’ve been waiting for the probably-not-going-to-happen event where Unholy becomes a full on ranged spellcaster

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Y’all stop feeding the troll lmao c’mon first rule of online

I’m going to rewrite the Affliction part regarding Darkglare a bit to drive home the point on the inappropriateness of Darkglare for the spec given the UA change in the next day or two.

Turning Unholy DKs into a spell casting spec is never going to happen. You will see massive player outrage and it would completely go against the lore of the DK class.

I feel like this is completely wrong.

Warlocks are master of fel with mages
being our counterparts master of Arcane.

Demons are literal beings of fel with many of them having literally fel goo as blood, felflame is flame summoned by flame which is different from the way arcane summons flame or how shamans call upon flames and affliction is literally the process of your soul literally being ripped from your body to fuel fel magic… dying to an affliction warlock is you literally feel yourself decaying and being destroyed.

The void class is shadow priest not us and death magic is for death knights.

To me though the best version of affliction burst was when you had all your dots on then popped dark soul and then used Malefic grasp to suck the soul out of their body. I think summon dark glare isn’t really affliction at all.

Demonic tyrant fits demo
Chaos bolt fits destro
Malefic grasp was great for affliction.

All 3 of those abilities tied well with dark soul and felt great when used together.


Idk what to tell you but Decay is Death, and Thrall can talk to Jaina’s arcane ice spells, and the moment of Warlock design you’re pointing to as ideal was when Xelnath centered warlocks primarily on Void.

The three things I listed was me summarizing the varied and different sources and types of warlock as per Council of Black Harvest.

Decay is Death. Shadow is Void. That’s where Blizzard has taken us since MoP. Affliction uses both, because we can, and we’re warlocks.

You’re looking at the magic to linear.

Mages in warcraft use fire, frost and even “time” magic but this is all through arcane.

Warlocks can literally access the same way through fel.
A destruction warlock isn’t calling fire the same way a mage is.

Fel magic is Chaos, and it’s magic typically fueled by souls which is why all specs use soul shards. Affliction sits in the shadow magic dmg type but it is being called through the fel no different from a mage using arcane to call time magic

This is literally not the case though. Legacy of the Masters established that the MoP revamps to Affliction were via studying the Twilight’s Hammer (and thereby Void and Old God cultists, much like Shadow Priests). And that Destruction is using the “raw power” of Ragnaros and Deathwing (ergo why Chaos Bolt originally looked like a dragon, and why we cast Cataclysm, and why we had “Burning Embers”, like Dark Shamans, ergo why the one orc of the Black Harvest was sent there).

The point of Warlocks since that time I’d argue is the fact any magic user that violates/transgresses their normative rules, whether by group, race, or otherwise, within the LORE is fair game within the limits of GAMEPLAY warlocks.

e.g. Meryl Felstorm. Yeah he’s a mage by training but he’s still considered a warlock within the lore (Legion Order Hall nonwithstanding) due to his self-undead-ification and former-living-dreadlord-prison.

There is no one kind of warlock. Some are former shamans, some are former mages, some are former priests probably. The point is transgression and control, difference from Shadow Priests (who give into the “Insanity”), Fire Mages and Shamans (who stay within the lines of respect and humility), Demon Hunters (who fully become Demons rather than use demons and fel), and Unholy DKs (who are wholly given to Death).

Our schtick is control, and we primarily use Shadow (Void) and Fel (Disorder/Chaos) magic but any is materially fair game; anyone can become a warlock.

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