Swap out Summon Darkglare with Dark Soul: Misery for Aff

Summoning a demon should not be affliction’s big cd. If this can get moved to a talent or just removed entirely, it just doesn’t fit with the theme of someone specializing in curses and drains summoning a demon.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I did not see this change in the current Shadowlands builds.

Would love to see Dark Soul: Misery replace Darkglare, and put Darkglare as a talent option in DS:M’s place.


It fits the warlock completely… I don’t know why you think otherwise. A warlock is a warlock, all 3 spec will summon and use their enslaved demons.


I hate the Dark Soul talents. It’s just a button you press to make your DPS better. Not fun or creative in any way.

At least Darkglare is a cool thing I can see with my eyes instead of another buff tacked onto the 20 I already have.

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Yea… I kinda like dark glare. The only issue im thinking is that its primary use right now is to extend 5 stacks of UA for dps pressure, and with UA no longer stacking I dont think dark glare will be quite as useful.

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Yeah, it fits demonology warlock which is your summoner spec. So if you want the summoning aspect of lock, play demo.
It doesn’t fit a spec that’s DoT/Drain-based.
I’m fine with having your base pet, but our big CD should be something better/more akin to the flavor of aff like upping haste via souls of enemies we’ve slain already (which is why I suggested switching it with Ds:M).

I’m not saying remove it from the game, just swap it out with DS:M (which, if I remember correctly, was our aff baseline big cd spell a while back) and put it as a talent option for people who enjoy it.

Summoning a giant eye demon, at least to me, doesn’t fit with a curse/DoT spec when there’s a different spec completely devoted to summoning. Sorry if you see it another way.


All WARLOCKS are demon based first and foremost. The affliction dots is a spec of torment. Darkglare’s and observers are known for tormenting. It works.

Dark soul is bland and has a lame animation.

Actually no. As I said in the compilation thread:

The in-game “lore” behind Affliction warlocks is NOT (nor has been, historically) centered on demons particularly.

In fact, if you look at Affliction Talents in live (and for the past few expansions), you will see we simply do not have any demon-centric Talents save for Grimoire of Sacrifice, which actually lets us play without a demon.


This is my biggest concern for the new xpac. I’ve already said to hell with this class for BFA(and the game for that matter), and the guild I was in can’t keep anyone playing it for more than 1 raid teir as its miserable for everything that isn’t raiding.

I don’t need it to be top dps on every fight, I dont need it to be the go to in pvp, I don’t care if its the best of the best in dungeons. But it shouldn’t feel as bad as it does in most of those. Give it crummy numbers if you have to but for the love of god someone who makes decisions actually go play this before you put a bow on class design for shadowlands.

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He said it, its all demons. Demonology simple heavily rely on them more.

Wrong, because there is no SPEC in lore… its a game mechanic. A warlock is simply a warlock… one who manipulate fel magic, curses and summoning demons.

four out of the six warlocks in Legacy of the Masters do not use nor focus on demons, and 2 of those 4 represent the “affliction warlocks” within gameplay mechanics.

Warlocks within the lore is literally “anyone who is breaking their magical-factional-rules”.

You’re literally willfully ignoring the established in-game warlock lore meticulously crafted by Xelnath in Legacy of the Masters and the Council of Black Harvest. It’s dumb as hell.

Voidwalkers/Voidlords aren’t even demons! They’re Void-beings usually classed as Aberrations, zero relation to Fel anything.


In general, but youre hand picking example to make your point saying its like that for all.

If anything you are the one ignoring the lore, game or anything else that doesn’t suit you.

Special info: Game Mechanic != Game lore.
Good bye, muting you, you’re kind has to be avoided.

You’re reducing Warlocks to Fel and Demons, basically saying all warlocks are basically some iteration of Gul’dan, which that is literally not the case in Legacy of the Masters, Council of Black Harvest, taking into consideration our ability to summon VOIDwalkers and VOIDlords, the narrative and types of magics developed via the Council of Black Harvest.

And the fact your profile is hidden? Clearly meant to be a troll.

All you do is stir trouble in every single class forum like lmao



I would argue that darkglare and observer (which can replace felhunter) are both more old god-esque with all their tentacles. Darkglare looks like something straight out of nyalotha if you ask me.

And technically the voidwalker isnt a demon anyways, it’s a void creature.

I mean Observors do certainly are tentacle-y but they are lorewise demons. Darkglares don’t have established lore I think, but sure, lets say they are Void creatures lmao


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I do appreciate one of his posts from last november was “specs need to be different from one another” and yet here he is on lock forums saying that all warlocks need to be summoners because “it fits with their lore” and then muting you for pointing out otherwise.

Like, come on, dude. You’ve been nagging on me the entire thread because I want there to be some diversity in the specs.

It’s literally a self-hero (with half the duration so it’s not too op) with a 2 minute cooldown that you can either stack with an actual hero buff or save it for a different part of the fight.

I could really care less about the animation for a buff spell. Yeah, they could update it but I’m fine with it now and that shouldn’t be an excuse for not wanting it baseline.


Trolls gonna troll but I was on 4chan since it started so I am a master of the dark arts

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Never have I said they all need to be summoners, you are making this up now. If you need to modify what other says to try to make a point… well you aren’t going anywhere.

Please either consider properly reading, analyzing the context of it and then you could reply.

polite cough

If you didn’t “say it,” it was certainly implied.
And before you go into this “you’re taking my stuff out of context,” you cut out the part where I quoted you saying “it fits with their lore” before you spouted off about “not properly reading.”

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dont feed the trolls bro

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Im waiting for that line that prove your point?

Because if you read them all, nothing is what you imply I said.