Swap out Summon Darkglare with Dark Soul: Misery for Aff

I feel like this is completely wrong.

Warlocks are master of fel with mages
being our counterparts master of Arcane.

Demons are literal beings of fel with many of them having literally fel goo as blood, felflame is flame summoned by flame which is different from the way arcane summons flame or how shamans call upon flames and affliction is literally the process of your soul literally being ripped from your body to fuel fel magic… dying to an affliction warlock is you literally feel yourself decaying and being destroyed.

The void class is shadow priest not us and death magic is for death knights.

To me though the best version of affliction burst was when you had all your dots on then popped dark soul and then used Malefic grasp to suck the soul out of their body. I think summon dark glare isn’t really affliction at all.

Demonic tyrant fits demo
Chaos bolt fits destro
Malefic grasp was great for affliction.

All 3 of those abilities tied well with dark soul and felt great when used together.