SV feels horrible

They’re retired from what’s been said. I just miss the long rants, and the predictability.

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Which I never did troll-bomb once. Amazing how I didn’t take the perma-IP-vacation that personally. So I marvel why DoolB would be upset at me now, especially when I’ve pretty much skipped DF. Unless he’s bittersalty about my remarks about DF SV, but that would have been a personal, private decision for me not to go forward with SV.

Dragginflight is in the past now, along with my long 7-year ganking career. People like to cling to the past, I see. You would think people would have forgotten 2023 by now.

There’s a profile for that and in today’s Western society, it’s not a flattering one. I reposted a picture that compared and contrasted Team Dorsey vs. Team Musk. It would be like night and day.

My favorite theory was that RSV won the war, as if he saw what TWW gave us and declared, “My work here is done.”

Not to mention with MSV actually being good in SoD, which for all we know that’s where Bepples is at right now. He’s probably playing an SV, melee or not, that actually is gud. There’s no point in having more Bepplese threads because MSV lost.

We have to give it to him because he fought looooong and haaaard to give us this itineration of SV. He was a jerk to me for reasons right or wrong, but I have to acknowledge his legacy.

Per my theory, they served its purpose. A long time coming, though. Even the late Steve Jobs would approve, because it took YEARS for him to be even a bigger success AFTER he got fired from Apple.

𝕏 is a pedestal for poeple who need constant attention.

I would argue ALL social media is that way, and with an individualistic culture to boot. I prefer the old-school blogging style myself.

I’m still very new to 𝕏, and it was actually Baridorielor that got me on it lol. I have to admit that in hindsight, he was an honest troll that wasn’t afraid to speak his mind. He has guts, and guts is enough.

People get that wrong about me. I don’t have a cult of personality nor do I want one. Those things TAKE AWAY from the true GAMING experience in my honest factinion. Like Swifty, one of the best Warriors of all time, getting banned in-game just because. Well, I don’t want to get banned in-game just because. It was the FAME that did him in like that.

Bad things happen to famous people, to put it frankly. Bad things also happen to truly infamous people who crossed the wrong legal lines. People want that for the views and subs, for the donations and sponsorships. I was never one of those people.

Spoken like a true Killer/Socializer.

As it’s kind of early in the expansion and everyone who is an expert has decided that sentinel is numerically better, for the main content types, I’m wondering what people think about pack leader and I haven’t seen a lot of guides that suggest it, but I’m seeing some familiar talents and synergies there. Any thoughts?

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So? Does wowhead have a strict vetting process? From what I’ve seen, they certainly don’t. Almost all of their sims and recommendations end up being wrong in actual application. It turns out that almost nobody actually plays like a programmed robot.

It’s doing okay. Middle of the road in just about all content. Single target is behind BM by a bit. AoE is behind MM by a bit. The new changes to our rotation coming up on tuesday are very good. I think it is fun to play in raid and keys now and it is only getting better in 11.0.5.

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You are always welcome to point out inaccuracies in any wowhead guide if you think they’re wrong :slight_smile: but I have a feeling your vibes based feelycraft may not be accurate either :thinking:


Yes, if a guide writer gets on there spouting bs the community rips them to shreds and they don’t write guides anymore. lol.

You’ve proven over and over again you just can’t admit you are wrong. This has nothing to do with wowhead or any other person. This is a you thing.

?. You have any evidence to back that claim up? Sims are notoriously odd at first due to apl issues but minus a bit of oddness early on they usually are pretty nail on head. This have anything to do with you liking to do things differently? You seem to like to buck the trends and go your own way. That is fine, but in order to do that you don’t need to make things up.

Correct, but in the dps game that is the goal. To play as perfectly as humanly possible. The best players in the world do in fact play like robots in PvE. A sim is designed to show you what is possible. Trashing the people who interpret that data is doing what for you exactly?


Doesn’t Azortharion help with the guides? He has 99 and 100 parses on the mythic raid bosses

This is really funny considering you average a green parse in heroic

Do have validity to your claims? You would have to show how their data is wrong otherwise it based on just hearsay.

You can disagree with a the ideas of a poster, but can’t argue with facts and data.

By that point he would be either BiS or close to it. Not just any BM in the running is at his level yet. The utter vast majority of them won’t be.

The real key is to translate an LFR hero where he is, and how is this done?

The books can be cooked. Data can be corrupted. So technically, you CAN argue with facts and data if the TRUTH says something completely different.

It’s a garbo site anyway that is sloppily run and managed. That should automatically tell us all something about its quality control. However, even programmed robots bug out and crash, lacking the abstract thought to know it was wrong and correct itself. Thank goodness we don’t have sentient AI yet.

Remember the bad reputation Noxxic got? Pepperidge Farm remembers. And Noxxic is still very much alive. Hmm…

Long story short, you can make the numbers look like anything you want.

That’s why I say class>spec>hero class>comp>gear>gearing skill>skill. Playing like a programmed unerring robot is the LEAST of all things that matter in getting the win and the best win possible.

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Azortharion is a guide writer for one of the sites though I’m not sure which and very active on trueshot lodge. Amazing hunter. He rubs some people the wrong way as he is very matter of fact and sells some things some people think he shouldn’t. He is def a hunter brain though, one of the very best.

Amazing how I’m the one who disclosed his Armory sooner than everyone else. Just do some copypasta and it’s a good start on the right track.

Azortharion - Character (

I love when feelycrafters that can’t even back up their thoughts with numbers just immediately say “well the books are cooked! the sims can’t be right!”. it’s pointless to have any sort of discussion with ego maniacs like jackals etc

  1. they believe their delusions are reality
  2. any facts that contradict their reality is immediately dismissed as being fake or altered
  3. they cannot back up their delusions with anything objective

Tbf, I did start this thread with “I feel” and “it feels”

this isn’t about you, no worries. you can at least say why you feel XYZ instead of saying “I feel XYZ because I am the greatest world of warcraft player. everyone else sucks compared to me. no, I don’t have numbers to back myself up at all, but I am clearly the best anyway”


It’s because I knew how to do my own independent research and not be a sheeperson.

I didn’t even say the books are cooked. I didn’t say the data is corrupted. I said they CAN be, and thus CAN BE ARGUED against. Especially since third party ADDOOOONNSSS(a Ron White moment) COLLECTS THE DATA IN THE FIRST PLACE, since that’s not something BLIZZARD DOOOOESSSS, someone who doesn’t actually have any official dev authority can manipulate it, and that’s not even against EULA.

Ergo, it’s pointless to have any discussion unless it involves holy or unholy 1:1 combat like that which I have excelled in and defeated many Hunters for 7 years. The numbers will not lie in who gets ghosted, and I have taken plenty of L’s even for being on the RIGHT side of the math. Turns out that some right and good math is more equal than others in the Orwellian class farm.

Even when it’s not about FEELINGS you can still lose in WPvP.

That’s why I love WPvP so much: it’s the most HONEST form of gameplay. That’s why I chose it over raiding, over M+, over BGs, and Arena.

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Oh man I miss shakrams, I miss the melee playstyle and big burst :frowning: