In theory, the point of the damage window is to cap your ramp up ASAP and then try to get in as many relevant attacks in before the buff wears off. The thing is, this only makes sense for Mongoose Bite/Fury if they’re a) at the core of the spec (meaning the talents and other skills are built to interact with them) and b) Mongoose Bite is responsible for the bulk of the hunter’s damage.
SV has been moving away from that since the post-Legion rework, and current talent design makes me think we are nearing or have reached the point where the ramp up and damage window have no reason to be there.
Fair enough, but there’s something to be said about hitting the same button over and over. It definitely begins to feel mindless after a while. I’m not expecting a combo system, but just something that breaks the monotony while serving some purpose would be nice.
I don’t think adding a spender would require changing other things in the spec. Could be something like an attack that deals slightly more damage than a 5 stack Mongoose Bite and places a bleed with a duration that scales inversely with how much time is left in the Mongoose Fury buff. So the closer to 0 MF is at, the longer the bleed would be up. I’m aware there’s a possibility someone would figure out a perfect sweet spot for this instead of using it as intended.
That doesn’t really negate my criticism over Blizzard throwing the baby out with the bathwater instead of working to improve the design.
Being lackadaisical about a damage window makes zero sense. Especially when it’s a damage window you can’t extend outside of Bloody Claws (which is a wash unless you’re stacking a lot of haste). This would be like telling a Cata arms warrior to just take it easy during a Colossus Smash window.