SV feels horrible

In a word, yes. Gameplay is pay off, if not a major part of it. Numbers by themselves don’t do much unless you’re monitoring stuff on a spreadsheet or a damage meter. This is why you have things like Templar’s Verdict on Ret, the various rogue finishers, and so on.

There is. Removing Judgement means you’d need to make notable changes to Crusader Strike (3 charges on a 3s cooldown, or perhaps get rid of the cooldown entirely) to fill the gap in the rotation. This in turn affects the pace at which Ret would generate holy power. Then comes the debuff, which would need to be redesigned because you don’t have a 12s cooldown on it anymore. In fact, I’d say removing Judgement would probably mean the debuff would also go away because there’s no real alternatives aside of making it yet another aspect of Wake of Ashes (though on the bright side, it’d play nicely with Hammer of Light).

Taking this back to hunters, removing Explosive Shot doesn’t leave the gap that removing Judgement from ret would. You might have to redesign Grenade Juggler, change Sulfur-lined Pockets to give a free Kill Shot instead of Explosive Shot, and find something that is less awkward to put in the middle of the class tree.

While the fact Grenade Juggler makes ES reduce the current cooldown of WB by 2 seconds is interaction, the proc screams to me “Blizzard wanted to shoehorn explosive shot into SV”. I get the same vibe from Sulfur-lined Pockets.

Best way I can put it is that Tip is awkward as hell in a design that also has a damage window. Bloody Claws mitigates this a bit, but you also have the issue that logic would dictate that you should time Kill Command before a Mongoose Bite at 5 stacks. But you can’t because you have to spam Kill Command whenever it comes up since it’s also your resource generator (though I acknowledge that this might be wrong way to look at it because I keep seeing people say that Tip should be spent on bombs).

This is why I think the two should be combined into a switch node, so that Tip can be part of the bomb/raptor strike builds and Mongoose Bite/Fury can be an alternative for those of us who don’t want to emphasize bombs or simply don’t want to tack yet another effect to Kill Command.

There’s nothing about survival that makes me go wow.

I also really do not like the talent tree, lots of what feels like filler talents with very few talents that are somewhat interesting, but nothing special either.

If every spec in the game had combo points (holy power, combo points, etc) and the only valid “pay off” was an ability that became usable at X combo points (or combo points derivative) the game would feel incredibly stale.

proper resource usage is a satisfying pay off loop.

I don’t agree with any of this paragraph. You’re acting like combining CS and JG is some sort of herculean task and then you bring up remove a 30 second cooldown for SV in a dismissive “just change SLP to do what deathblow already does and gestures vaguely change grenade juggler”

yes? that tends to happen when they’re designing things with abilities in mind lol. they make talents synergize? I don’t see your point.


correct, this is wrong. you want to tip your strongest abilities (flanking strike, explosive shot, kill shot, wfb)

as SV you generate more tip stacks than you can spend on the preferred abilities, so you will invariable spend it on rs/mb. you will also use wfb un empowered and that’s a-okay.

I have the feeling you are placing a ton of importance on MB5 that doesn’t need to be there

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What are you guys using to track tip of the spear stacks?

Except with all the DK chitlins SV can only dream theirs was just as good. DK utility still rates. That’s why MSV failed, for all the newbies here: every other melee could do the job better.

Of course nobody serious wants to play a watered down DK. You don’t even have to reroll; just take off the actionbars abilities SV can’t do and there you go.

I just have a very fast thrown together WA. It’s an icon that only shows when I have a Tip buff and it has the stacks as a semi large number on the icon.

I think you meant cooldowns. Hunter has some of the fewest cooldowns which meant it has far less to track than other classes. Resource management is just baked in learning a rotation.

SV played best when all it ever really did was :bomb:. That meant spamming KC to spam WFB. Haste helped with the globals and recharges. DF and TWW both overcomplicated the spec to incorporate abilities that don’t rate, and it went back to sucking again since after 9.2., all because people complained how toxic the gameplay was, even though the best classes have the simplest arrangements.

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Yeah, this resonates with me


If you just want to spam two buttons I don’t think SV is the spec for you, unfortunately. Maybe that’s why you don’t like it?

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Yeah, clearly not any more.

Yeah, aside from 9.2 it’s never really been that :confused:

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It wasn’t even that then. You had to maintain and spread stings as well. Even when it was bomb focused you benefitted from properly playing the infusion and doing the colors.

In PvE it was a mini game that tickled my particular brain chemistry and in PvP you can’t play any spec the same way you do in PvE, but a simpler DPS rotation helps you concentrate on utility and mobility.

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You really didn’t. With the amount of bombs you were getting Volatile Bomb would keep SS up enough, and it was a loss of damage to do anything but KC or WFB if you could.

See I respect this explanation. I wish WFI was more impactful while it was still around, but ever since SL it really wasn’t that strong to bother optimizing

It’s not even personal opinion, it’s FACT due to the tier statistics. No SV has ever come quite close to SV 9.2… Dragonflight was a waste of an expansion. I would have rather played a 9.2.5 Blizzlike private server than to do anything serious in DF, just to dominate in M+ and in PvP as a SV. Maybe Season of Discovery can add Wildfire Bomb Runes soon?

People did that with Mists because pandas; I did the same with DF. Get rid of Mad Bombardier, you-know-which-words you, LCB. Force 2H weapons for KShot and CA, ditto.

Some here think that spec complexity is a moral high ground that doesn’t really exist above what most people actually look for in a competitive class/spec. On that note, I should defer to my GM…

There’s something to be said for complexity, but there’s a reason that fury is always somewhat effective in PvP (even though arms is considered the pvp spec) and there’s a reason that whenever Prot damage gets high enough it becomes a hipster spec in PvP. One is simple, high sustainable damage, and the other is tons of utility (admittedly they’ve been slowly giving all prots utilities to everyone else, but in the old days much of the utility of the class was spec walled into prot)

there’s also something to be said about homogeny—if every spec is the same two or three buttons they’d all start to feel incredibly similar very fast, and I cant imagine that’d be a good idea

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Why are two extremely similar yet complex gameplay loops any different?

if every spec in the game is pruned in the name of complexity there is just bound to be a lot of overlaps, I’m sorry. I wouldn’t even call SV complex

It isn’t, necessarily. I’ve definitely quit more complex classes. Just saying hypothetically. It’s not like complexity inherently means interesting and unique.

Right, I don’t think I said that, I just said simplicity also doesn’t mean fun/engaging — especially if every spec is simple