Suspiciously Bad Asset Pop-In? Unplayable FPS Issues?

So… what. You’re saying this is a permanent problem they will never bother to fix? Why do you keep making pcs to accomodate this? Seems like it would be a real money/time/salt saver to just quit wow, unsub/uninstall, and not look back.

I have to be completely honest with you, I have NEVER had a problem in wow like this. Ever. This is absolutely absurd. And I don’t have the kind of money or time you do to make a new pc every 24 months. If this is the way it’s gonna be from here on out, then I gotta face facts and just leave sadly.

Like, jeez. Really wish I could be one of those forum derps complaining about the game going woke or not bein like old wow or new features sucking but, if I can’t even play then I can’t play and I want a refund for DF.

I have no idea what the actual problem is, I’m just relating my experiences since the Legion prepatch.

I didn’t exactly build this latest PC just for WoW; I built a new one for myself and gave my husband my older one to replace his that was easily 10 years old. It was time for a new(er) one for him (past time, obviously), but since I use mine more than he does, I got the newer, better, faster one.

I have no issues running FFXIV at the max settings on either PC, and haven’t ever. I don’t play many other games, so I can’t speak to performance that way. I just know that I’ve never been able to run WoW at max graphic settings on any PC I’ve ever had, and that WoW has had this slow degradation of graphical performance with every prepatch since Legion.

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What a shame, really. Was looking forward to new professions. Oh well. If I could get a refund for DF I feel like I’d rather use the money to suffer with Gotham Knights’ glaring launch problems than deal with wow. I play a few other games released in 2022. All online, graphics heavy game. This actually should not be happening at all. And considering I can probably run Gotham Knights at high settings with less fps issues than this, the idea is getting more and more comforting sadly.

Ya… game is running like complete garbage since the patch even when no one is around. It’s crazy that they thought it was ok to release the patch like this… Glad I didn’t buy dragonflight yet lol


Yeahhh. You’re one of the lucky ones then, technically. I should have not bought into it and safely watched as the game burned into ruin in prepatch. Not even actual xpac release.

Yea, Ive played since '04 and have never seen such bad asset pop-in in WoW. Heck, its been 15 years since seeing such bad asset pop-in in any game. It makes it really hard to play without getting disappointed in the experience. I have noticed the object draw distance being shortened for years and have been worried that pop-in issues would start appearing for those playing at max graphics settings.
I have a screenshot from the BC days in Arathi Highlands that I used to love setting as my desktop background. Tried to recreate it in ShadowLands but the reduced draw distance compared to the Burning Crusade makes it not possible. I hope that this is a bug and not a new way of poorly managing assets.


The only thing that seems to really “fix” this issue for me, or at least lessen it greatly, is to close the app and launch WoW directly from the retail folder.

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I learned my lesson after the past couple xpacs

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Just tried this. No effect whatsoever. Asset pop in so bad that zeppelins are literally flickering in and out of the air within what should be reasonable viewable render range

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Gotcha. Yeah, I didn’t know if it would work for anyone else, but figured I’d drop it in here. Sorry to hear that though.


I am experiencing terrible pop in since the update as well, hopefully something is done about it by launch time.

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maybe a resurgence of players on the server.

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Unless that seemingly breaks graphics settings from having very much effect like the 3 that primarily concern draw/render/view distance, then I doubt it? But I’m not on blizzard side. I don’t make games. Nor do I know the exact reasons as to why blizzard releases a patch with these kinds of issues for some of us, or why the issues are created in the first place.

But yeah, I’m glad it’s not just me having this problem. Makes me really happy. Gives me some small hope it may be addressed. I’m just doubtful they’ll do it in a timely fashion since most people ate simply complaining about stutters.

Its funny though how a “patch” meant to fix and add features and make things polished BEFORE an expansion drops, just completely destroys the long standing impressive draw distance of the game which was admittedly a deciding factor as to why its a mainstay on my harddrive.

This pretty pretty much makes it unplayable for me to a point I had to uninstall the game. Just plain sad. Makes me sad that I may not be able to be in DF on launch day or farm for stuff in prepatch that will get vaulted, because of this crap.

Dragonflight is off to a GREAT start here, Blizz… loool.

Its been what, a week since prepatch? With blizzard not even acknowledging the stuttering problems, much less this asset pop in issue?

What small amount of hope I have left towards playing Dragonflight is left to waiting to see if the bad asset pop in/render distance is somehow related to the stuttering performance problems thousands of people are complaining about having in tech support thread. So that when they fix that, if they fix that, I can actually play without running into trees and rocks or mobs and world boses while I’m flying at 900% speed on a dragon looool

Issues seem to be fixed for me since last update. Wondering if they are fixed for others now.

Yeah, I don’t have many answers, only a hypothesis. I noticed more returning players this past week or so. I do get render issues but it isn’t “distance,” related. The render issues I see specifically are graphical and unique to clicking onto my other monitor. There is an issue with sporadic black lines, and blurs on talent tree too sometimes. The thing is, its not a graphical issue, but something unique to switching between tabs/monitors and being actively in game. It hasn’t impacted gameplay in anyway, nor has it impacted graphics or anything else really, it literally only occurs during alt tab between monitors.

I haven’t logged in, has it gotten worse?

Still getting atrocious pop-in everywhere. Is there a tweak for this?

What GPU you have?


Is this some lua type Pop - ins as that is addon related.