Suspensions for chat abuse, but I wasn't abusive

I got silenced about a month ago for ‘abusive chat’
and today I got a 1 week suspension for ‘abusive chat’

I tried appealing to ask at least for information about why I was actioned as I don’t go out of my way to abuse anyone or say inappropriate things.

I do raid lead large communities and I use the in game LFG chat to fill the raids.

Is there anyway I could get this overturned or at least some info?

Abusive chat includes advertising and spam - it is part of “abusing the chat functions in game”.

If you were advertising in LFG, esp for anything related to gold carries or GDKP, then that would be an earned penalty. Blizzard does not allow any services for gold transactions to be promoted outside of the Trade Services channel, or Trade (in classic where there is no Trade Services channel).

Do you think that might have been what got reported by other players and resulted in a penalty?


That seems to be the main issue, as some of this falls under our in-game advertising policy.

I believe your issue here, Ellearde, is that you don’t simply advertise that you are looking for people at the time you are running the raid, you advertise a schedule, a pre-sale of Invincible, and list a discord in the ad.

If you are looking for more for a current run, I’d stick with advertising just that run and definitely do not include a discord. The folks who include out of game links tend to be advertising illicit services.


Okay, I didn’t know these violate any rules, advertisements like this are very common on my server. I was emulating my peers.
a majority of the community prefers GDKPs as it feels like your time wasn’t wasted.

It is your peers who reports these, so I don’t believe they are universally preferred. :slight_smile:

That said, assuming this is not Seasons of Discovery, GDKP is generally fine, but advertising the discord really isn’t.


it was in WOTLK classic.

Also note GDKP runs are with in the rules but anyone accepting gold from them can open themselves up to receiving stolen gold and other ways to get yourself suspended or banned.

Does not matter if your aware of where the gold came from. Gold sellers do use these runs to launder gold.


Thank you for your keen insight, I appreciate some guidance.
I didn’t realize that posting in this manner could get me actioned, it’s really unfortunate but I understand this was my fault for being ignorant to the guidelines.

I will behave accordingly in the future, I am sorry for my actions if they offended anyone.