Surv/mm Hunter or fury/arms warrior?

Trying to decide which class I am going to alt.

Which class in your personal opinion do you find more fun to play with and why?

Of those, a toss up between fury and MM, with fury probably winning.

Do you prefer ranged or melee? MM is just a bursty, ranged Arms IMO. Especially now that Kill Shot is coming back (our little Execute).

Do you like to ram or to be rammed? Thats the question you need to ask yourself.


Im leveling Surv/MM hunter right now - switching every few levels to keep both updated as I level. I have had a ton of fun honestly and I’ve played a decent amount of WoW so it’s caught my attention more than others I’ve leveled recently.

To me MM is really fun right now I think you should try it out! And now so many pets to choose from for Hunter and more in Shadowlands.

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Well survival is melee with some range stuff. I think like both honestly Thats why I play warlock and this rogue

And what is your answer? :open_mouth:

Survival and MM seem not too bad to switch quickly. I am playing both pretty evenly and I am not getting confused between the two. Class can kind of switch between melee and range depending on your mood so that is a plus! I haven’t played much warrior as of recently so can’t give you an opinion on them.

Fortunately for us leveling is shorter so you don’t have to do 120+ levels to figure out if you like it! :rofl: :rofl:

Hunter all the way. I have both and I can tell you this: if you like pvp and soloing pve, warrior is one of the worst class you can ever pick.

Warrior is so bad that a mm hunter can kite him without ever being touched

It’s subjective. We talking PvE or PvP, Raids or M+, Arenas or bgs? So many answers. I personally enjoy hunter because I already play plenty of melee specs, its a nice break.

I do all but casual. I feel I am less successful in pvp with my warrior but not sure if it is because I suck

Then is all up 2 what you like the most. I’m sure you got a lean towards on of them.

fury warrior is super fun but ineffective. I would choose fun instead effectiveness any day

Could anyone share more opinions please?

I have the same Dilema as well. Please help

Arms warrior is always more fun for PvP than any spec of hunter. That’s been my experience for 15 years.*

*Except WoD arms. Hated WW as a rage dump.

Warrior is in an awful state right now on Beta. Arms needs a rework and Fury needs some major tuning/buffs. But, Fury is fun. As is Marksman Hunter.

Warrior is never bad. The few times it suffers one spec is at least mediocre at content and it always scales well with gear

Also playing MM without a pet actually adds some challenge to the game, which can be fun.

It seems hunter is the answer then. since warrior is at an awful state in pvp since WOD?

Fixed for you