Surv/mm Hunter or fury/arms warrior?

Survival in bfa was like arms in another house, so either

I like warrior fantasy though


Why would you choose fury warrior over survival instead?

Fast fun and easy, downtime doesn’t exist

You will always have a button waiting, they can hit hard, there’s nuance to learn when you decide to take it seriously

And you have arms to change it up, or prot if you decide to take up a support spec for convenience

Fury as fun AF in PvP.

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I wish I could do one 2h fury, like in classic

The main thing turning my off fury lately is I’m not feeling that duel wielding style

fun to outplay every class man.

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Fury is terribad in pvp budy

Why because you’re garbage at it? Lol
Edit: This guys playing a priest. L you don’t even know what’s good because you’re busted kid.

lol I have this priest since WOD. Garbage warrior, you get owned by every caster and I am sure you are not the exception that’s why you get mad easily

Lol, Idk how you’ve been playing warrior, but clearly incorrect.

Not gonna argue with a baby whos rotation is the same as PvE in PvP lmao. Vampiric touch, other dots, fear and run, mind flay.

I am sure you got owned by priest recently that’s why you get mad XD

Lmao, I see now, you got wrecked by a fury warrior clap