Survival was originally a melee spec

Before the 1.7.0 talent rework, Survival Hunter was the dedicated melee tree.

Here’s a list of all DPS talents melee hunters lost and gained in the 1.7.0 talent tree revamp.


  • 5% Melee Hit (5/5)
  • -1CD on Raptor Strike (5/5)
  • 20% damage on Mongoose Bite (5/5)
  • 5% Melee Crit (5/5)
  • 5% Melee Damage (5/5)
  • Lacerate (1/1)


  • 3% Beasts, Giants, Dragonkin damage & critical damage (3/3)
  • 3% Humanoid damage & critical damage (3/3)
  • 20% Mongoose Bite & Raptor Strike crit chance (2/2)
  • 3% Hit Chance (3/3)
  • 5% Crit Chance (5/5)
  • 15% Agility (5/5)


  • Lost 5% damage on non-humanoid, beast, giant, dragonkin targets
  • Lost 2% damage on humanoid, beast, giants, and dragonkin targets
  • Lost 20% damage on Mongoose Bite
  • Lost -1CD on Raptor Strike
  • Gained 20% Crit on Mongoose Bite and Raptor Strike
  • Lost 2% hit
  • Lost Lacerate

Losing lacerate was a big hit, but 15% agility should make up for any damage lost from that and the other talents.

But more than that, Survival Hunters now lost their identity as Melee Hunters. OG Survival Melee Hunters, inspired by the likes of Rexxar from WC3, were delegated to a shoddy, soulless “Marksmanship 2” clone, whose final talent felt more like a 21 pt “PvP” talent than an actual talent.

Melee Hunters might have been an more interesting part of Vanilla classes if they received few abilities to support it and became melee instead of being delegated into a Marksmanship clone.


Not all classes are balanced. Welcome to Vanilla :stuck_out_tongue:


I really miss the old downvoting system


The honest answer is that Kevin Jordan mentioned Survivial was never a viable primary spec, sort of like Arcane wasn’t originally either. They were designed as a way to pick up extra elements to weave into the other two specs in situational areas.

Like the Survival tree was useful for when someone got inside your bowshot range, but wasn’t meant to remove the use of bows by Survival Hunters. Similarly to how Warlocks weren’t meant to use Searing Pain or Hellfire as mainline spells.


This guy has made multiple threads about this over the months since this forum was created and they’re always dead ends.

You are 100% correct about SV but the OP persists.


But what does the Class talent build look like in 1.12?

I feel you man, I for one am a supporter of 1.0 talents. That is the true vanila before things started to change.

What gets me is when he said

You mean the bleed that did less damage then rend rank 4?

didn’t he also mention that he wanted all the specs of every class to be good at all of PvE, raids, and PvP?
i might go look through his old streams and/or the c2c recordings after posting this just so I’d have less doubt about it; I know I’ve heard him say something along those lines at least twice before
iirc, he just didn’t have the time to figure out how to make them all be good, as opposed to “good enough”

Melee Hunters are pretty good at pvp… if they don’t completely ignore their range abilities.

I remember pvp videos back in the day of melee hunters owning warriors.

That’s what the 1.7.0 revamp was meant to help with. But Survival was never meant to be Melee Hunter. They changed their plan in Vanilla with those revamps.

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Guys Blizzard is a major marketing company. They set dates to coincide with profit, and numbers. This is modern day business, this is everywhere. They play to the quarters. They do not deviate from this methodology.

Sorry bud, no changes. Thanks.

Look, as I’ve said a hundred times before; these things are a slippery slope.

If we have Blizzard change anything in terms of class or quality of life, people will ask for more and more changes, and then Blizzard will have to give into them. We will then not have anything close to a faithful depiction of WoW, it’ll be a diet coke retail. No thanks.

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Survival was the dedicated survival tree. No one cares about the 4 or 5 special needs hunters that think they were a melee class with melee viability.


Irrelevant. 1.12 Has Wyvern Sting.


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I know you’ve made multiple threads about this bud, but how about you just run around and RP smack things with your weapons and delete your bow? There, you can be a melee huntard at last.


Should have stayed it. A non-pet Ranger is one of the class fantasies WoW has always missed despite being a staple fantasy trope.

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Except it was designed to punish meelee and to maintain distance to continually plink away at range. You forget to mention that lacerate was a dead talent for anything bar keeping rogues out of stealth if you survived their opener.It was also not worth the GCD as it’s damage was awful.

Except rexxar did the exact same damage at range as he did in meelee,

Except meelee hunters have to be buffed to beyond rogue levels of dps to be considered for more than a nightfall swinging spot. They also bring less overall dps than a marks thanks to having no TSA.

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I heard Fury Warrior was originaly a ranged throwing spec. Like they’d throw their weapons and rocks and hammers and even work up to throwing boulders and trees and stuff. But they ran out of time to work on all the animations. Is that true?