Lol bra this is the hunter forums. This is where im going to be. Either log on your hunter or leave yourself. You can also act your age.
Who even are you? lmfao
Just bepples. You literally sit here all day crying and harass anyone who enjoys a current build for a spec you hate. So yes, grow up. Stop making excuses for being sad and stop the mental gymnastics. Its actually pathetic man.
Oh hey its you taking things too literal on a joke channel again! So glad you still haven’t tried to make that IQ a triple digit number yet since Its been stated far too many times what kind of videos those where and you were too stupid to figure that out. You are fully aware of this and try to twist it for people too lazy to actually watch the videos you spam on here. Anyone with an ounce of intelligence would know the channels a joke just from the MM video I made 3 years ago alone. I seriously feel bad for you homie.
what alt?
Again, just did it to bepples since hes as fragile as paper mache. But yes I do actually play the spec and have a better opinion than anyone whos literally never put talents into it.
I dont live here. I visit the forums at this point to laugh at all the salt from terrible players.
I havent posted on any alts in like 8 months or so but keep trying.
Im glad I live in your head rent free when I choose not to log on my computer for a day to go out to a theme park. Stay mad.
Talk about mental gymnastics. Jfc why is it only the hunter forums this sad? Do I need to pay for your therapy? You literally just invented a reason to be mad. Why anyone takes you seriously is beyond me.
you literally do this daily lmfao
my warrior is actually named bazzbe on alliance but I know you reaaaaaaaaally want it to be me so you can feel like someone enjoys your presence.
no thanks the melee version of survival is a boring joke of a spec. i want to run around shooting dots and getting procs not throwing bomb and pressing kill command.
The fact that you keep posting this proves how you don’t actually read my replies, nor certain other ones. Heck, most of the things you write prove that. Your reply here isn’t at all relevant to what you responded to, just an FYI…
Do you just pick posts at random, to quote, and then write w/e pops into your head, or do you actually ever, at any point, try to engage in a sincere conversation?
This is the most wrong thing you keep arguing, IMO.
Maybe there are some shared abilities, but to not have those abilities either wouldnt make sense with a pet, or would require not having a pet. They are pet abilities… in the pet class. Maybe the problem with MM is that it doesnt share iconic pet abilities with the other two hunter specs.
I partly agree with you — I haven’t made my dislike of Lone Wolf a secret. I’ll die on the hill that Lone Wolf is one of the top 3 worst things to have ever happened to the Hunter class.
However, I also partly disagree with you. Currently, MSV is the only spec with Spirit Bond… which had been an iconic BM talent since Vanilla.
If both MSV and BM had it, then it wouldn’t bug me. But now? BM doesn’t have access to its own iconic ability.
(I feel the same about BM having “Chimaera Shot,” which had been a signature MM ability — as Chimera Shot — ever since its introduction, until Blizzard decided to move it to BM because of its name! The WAY that shot worked fit MM perfectly (a 2-pronged trick shot), c’mon. But I digress.)
I believe that Bepples was making the argument that context matters. Blizzard’s reasoning for the whole class revamp in Legion — the reason that they gave us — was to separate the specs more.
While I’m incredibly glad that Blizzard is once again moving toward a class-first philosophy rather than a spec-first approach, they haven’t really fixed the Hunter class.
All 3 Hunter specs are still pretty separate, and the abilities has been moved (illogically!!) all over, with very little overlap between them… with the exception of the pet abilities between BM and MSV.
(Seriously. Nobody would’ve predicted that one day, Spirit Bond would not be available to BM. Seriously.)
Sort of yes, and no. But that’s the whole point really. The argument for removing RSV, was that “it was sort of like Marksman, except with more traps, or different arrows”. At the time of its’ removal, the specs did not actually share any signature abilities, they only shared a common base theme of focusing on ranged weapons. Other than that, each spec had their own approach to the fantasy of fighting, using ranged weapons. And, they also had their own approach to the mechanical composition/theme as well. And in doing so, provided different strengths and weaknesses for the class.
They replaced this with a spec that now, either shares or has taken several abilities and effects from Beast Mastery. Sure, one spec is ranged, the other melee. But they now literally share a common main theme of focusing on pets, down to the actual use of abilities and effects. In what world is that not a direct contradiction to their own arguments which they used as excuses for removing RSV? Despite how they did in fact not hold up, when you looked at RSV vs MM, prior to Legion.
While I understand why you would say this, I kinda disagree.
There are a lot of players that are interested in the hunter class. Many of which prefer to skip pets, for several reasons ofc – the horrible pet AI, personal preferences(for a given identity), to name a few.
While, at a certain level, some things shouldn’t be changed. Mostly because it’s impossible to please everyone, in context, giving players the option to play without a pet, is one that has a fairly minor impact overall. Nowadays, it’s literally a passive thing, not even a talent.
Would I personally ask for Lone Wolf to be a thing? No, I prefer to play with pets as well. However, I’m not the only player of the class so…
I would agree with this. Chimera/Chimaera Shot should’ve stayed exclusive to MM. As for the renaming thing, not really sure why they did it. Both versions of the name fit the design and theme.
That it was. The main issue is that you could’ve kept RSV and still it would’ve been easy to add further distinguishing features to each spec. The main issue is that, when it came to RSV, they just didn’t bother. Most likely because, as soon as someone on the team came up with the whole “melee spec”-angle, they did not look any further than that.
More options are good. A 4th spec would be cool. Definitely not against it, though if I am totally honest I’d be more in favor of DH getting a 3rd spec before Hunter got a 4th.