Think you look more silly try to keep this act up. You can not even change how you reply back. Random warrior that never been here before shows up on a Hunter forums who goes after same poster that Toxi tries to harass, yeah that not too out of the blue. Dude you are so lame you can not even be less clear.
You must be a middle child never experience anything first like your overachieving eldest, and they don’t hog the spotlight like your attention-seeking lastborn. You feel excluded and misunderstood—and just want someone to acknowledge you. So, you come to the forums to gaslight people that way all the attention can final be on you and not anyone else. Just a poor little kid who feels unloved and craves it.
And now that we know it just you Toxi expect not to get any more replies back, bye bye.
First, I love the sheer irony of you claiming I’m doing nothing but harassing people while in the same breath throwing out personal attacks.
Second, the very people you’re defending actually know I’m not the same person as Metroid. Notice how none of the regulars you’re so gallantly trying to white knight aren’t piling on? Wonder why?
Third, how many times exactly are you going to threaten to not reply to me and then replying so I get a notice? It’s like a petulant child who keeps threatening to take his ball and leave.
What if Blizzard did an old switch a roo, and gave rogues old RSV as a third spec to replace Combat? Rogues would have two melee specs and a range while Hunters would have two range and a melee. We be mirror opposites.
I assume you meant this to read as me being childish? On top of the fact that you don’t know my age, there was nothing childish about me telling you to leave a thread that you don’t like. Your continued replies in this thread, just like any forum, are COMPLETELY OPTIONAL! If you don’t enjoy the thread, then don’t reply. Duh…
I literally said in OP. So, you aren’t even reading the threads you’re replying to? Sounds about right considering your previous replies.
Well, actually it does. It’s a talent that replaces Arcane Shot. It works almost exactly like it used to, with the 2 target cleave, except it has no CD and doesn’t refresh Serpent Sting if you take that talent in conjunction.
Although, I think it’s just “Chimaera Shot” for both BM and MM now. Idk, spelling is weird…
By this broken logic (its the hunter forums after all, so of course there’s alot of moronic takes) you must be bepples. Like seriously, do you even think or just spew out nonsense?
So… you assume it has to be an alt because someone cant just click on this forum post randomly and respond? Tell me you work a drive through job without telling me you work a drive through job.
What I disliked the most was that it became a top talent that also pulled another target. If anything was close by it would auto hit and make the work twice as annoying.
That is my issue with auto aoe abilities and they make a solo fight into a mob fight.
I have to apologize I had thought you were just trolling. I took a look and you were most right my talents are not selected for SV anymore. I had them in BfA and thought they still were. It funny that I just look now. Thank you for saying this that way I can fix it.
Like Kass said, they did bring it back to MM, although in the form of a talent. Now it’s part of both BM and MM. I agree that, preferably, it should be exclusive to MM.
Also worth noting is that the name change, and the rework of the ability, happened with WoD, while it was still exclusive to MM.
Patch 6.0.2 (2014-10-14): Chimera Shot has been renamed Chimaera Shot. It is now a two-headed shot that hits two targets, costs 35 Focus (down from 45 Focus), and deals Frost or Nature damage, but no longer heals the Hunter.
Old version was this:
Chimera Shot
| Rank 1 | 12% of base mana |
| 35 yd range | Instant | 10 sec cooldown | Requires Ranged Weapon |
You deal 125% weapon damage, refreshing the current Sting on your target and triggering an effect:
Serpent Sting - Instantly deals 40% of the damage done by your Serpent Sting.
Viper Sting - Instantly restores mana to you equal to 60% of the total amount drained by your Viper Sting.
Scorpid Sting - Attempts to Disarm the target for 10 sec. This effect cannot occur more than once per 1 minute.
Chimaera Shot is ambigous; it has a bestial theme, it cleaves, and it does magical damage. You can make a solid argument for including it in any of the three specs (assuming a ranged SV, that is). IMO it makes most sense as an ability shared across the class like Murder of Crows.