Survival vote?

What specific mechanic was so unique about ranged SV


This must be a troll post considering how long you’ve been participating in these discussions. Or have you opted to ignore everything we’ve been saying about RSV?


Yeah but what’s a unique mechanic you miss from RSV that isn’t in the game today


Serpent spread is the only thing I can really think off

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I mean… Hunters are designed around ranged and Survival literally justs gimps your range, but you don’t seem to have a problem with that.

That “old, dated” spec had no problem routinely being one of the most popular specs in the game, so it seems your judgement is a bit clouded (melee brain syndrome?)


The current Survival is designed for melee, and works for melee.

You can do better.


In short: RSV

As have been said many times, the entire basis of RSV was built on a theme involving dealing damage over time. Sure, MM nowadays has A DoT, so does BM, and MSV(even has 2), but neither of them are designed to have their main damage profile surrounding DoTs.

Basically, as much as the current specs focus on DoTs, is how much old RSV focused on upfront damage. Within the scope of the class, it was more or less the opposite to the other ones. Especially when you consider the modern philosophies surrounding class and spec design, where the intent is to double down on that core. Meaning, a modern version of RSV could be on the level of Affliction or SP, while still maintaining a separate theme suiting of the hunter class.

This mechanical niche, also applied to theme and fantasy very well. Many people, like yourself(that are against bringing RSV back), claim that this was not the case. Yet, whenever asked, they could never support those claims with anything that resembles objectivity.


Because it’s an opinion. There’s nothing objective about class fantasy on either side of that aisle.

So you like a DoT, ranged spec. Makes sense and nothing wrong with that. However, a change in damage profile isn’t really enough to separate it from MM compared to BM or current SV, both of which are vastly different than MM.

Why should Blizzard add a 4th DPS spec to a DPS-only class just so we can have a DoT profile version of MM?

Yet another spec to balance, make tier sets for etc. when they are already struggling with 36. It’s just not worth it.

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The only thing one can take away from this, is that you think that for example Warlocks can no longer have Destruction and Affliction as separate spec options. Either they need to be merged, or one of them has to go.

Or take a different example, Rogues. All three current Rogue specs have a core structure and design that is based on Stealth, Energy, Combo point-builders, and finishing moves, while dealing damage through the use of 1h weapons.

Based on what you’re saying, clearly we can only keep one of the Rogue specs.


Yeaaahhh not at all.

I believe in you Ghorak, Orc of Laughing Skull.

I don’t believe in Ranged Survival though. Blizzard made it pretty clear its not coming back anyway.


You don’t, obviously, but many would disagree with you, other than “the few of us here on the forum”. Here’s one recent example, it’s the same no matter where you go, not just here on the forum.



This Maximum character needs to work on his intro music

If it was working so well then the designers would not have felt the need to make another over haul after Legion. In which they removed all of of the melee abilities except for two and then add more range attacks. They went from a spec that was 95% melee to one that is 2% melee now. That seems indicate that they knew that just by being melee was not attracting players to SV as they thought. The melee aspect did not work out for Legion so they had to cut back all of the melee abilities for BfA and switch to a mostly range spec.


Rexxar as an entire fantasy would get old quick. Current HSV is a better fsntasy than rexxar BM.

Hey I haven’t read through all the comments, but my opinion is… no. I think using the talent system, survivals should be able to have the option, between the following:

  • Melee Survival Hunter (the current one)
  • Ranged Survival Hunter (just a good rework of the talent system)
  • Trap/bomb focused Survival Hunter (this would be in the middle with more trap like things)

I think this would be freaking awesome and give the feeling of making your class all in one spec!



I’ve noticed you have not even selected your talents for SV yet.

Please tell us more about SV Hunter.


I have more than one Hunter, but try again.

Fair enough.

I don’t think a talent that lets you choose between staying a melee spec OR a ranged spec would work. It’s kinda like “why would I choose to not have the extra range?” unless the talent just fundamentally changed the playstyle – in which case it’d just be easier/make more sense to make it a separate spec entirely.

I already made the comparison, but we’ve already seen this done with feral druids.
Both cat dps and bear tank were in ONE talent tree, and obviously both play very differently. Rather than have talents split a spec into 2 different playstyles, it makes more sense to just have them be separate specs entirely.


scapegoat response

pretty much every crybaby here who dogs sv hasnt even played it or much less know anything about it.