Survival vote?

You have openly insulted melee players on the forums just for playing melee and stood by it.

Keep that up and you won’t achieve anything in this community.


It’s not about them playing melee. It’s about them imposing their melee preferences on the Hunter class.

When I hear “don’t make Survival ranged!” from Warrior mains who haven’t even played a Hunter beyond levelling content I have to wonder where the priorities for Survival’s design lie.


There would not need to be a fourth spec. either you could add talent to SV to have it switch to range or have MM be able to move while attacking.

Sv could have Black Arrow back as a talent and turn Arcane Shot replace Raptor Strike becoming it focus dump. Were most of your damage will come from your DoTs, and keeping them up while being highly mobile is your priority. It opens another play-style for those who would like another range class.

Other way is to give MM away to attack on the go meaning taking out Aim Shot and having it replace with another ability, like Black arrow. Just having in become old SV once you take all of the other talents carried over from old SV.

There are ways to bring back old range survival it would just take some thought and rearranging specs.

That is your thinking. It could be argued that MSV does not have a purpose to an over bloated melee heavy game. It lacks the unique utility that other melee specs bring, and does not stand out well enough from the other two hunter specs. However, player are not concern with this cause they like the spec and find it fun to play.

Think DH could come up with a 3rd spec that could be a melee pet spec, which has Flames of Azzinoth as their pet. Then they could also go with just a implied idea and have a purified DH that uses light based abilities.

It takes a special level of stupid to blame players for a decision the devs made six years ago. Thankfully we have you to prove you fit the bill every few weeks or so with just that statement. Can’t wait for the xpac announcement and SV is still melee. Another glorious three years.


This isn’t what you said before, and it isn’t any different anyway

How there are some people rallying behind this is beyond me

I think a simple passive that ajusts the range of every ability depending on the weapon you’re using would do the trick. Of course there should be some advantage to using a melee weapon, maybe some mobility. Fury Wariors and Frost Death Knights already have that kind of things with how their abilities behave differently for dual wield and two handers.

To say what Ive been saying for a while-
Just give all hunters back both ranged and melee weapons.


Why do people keep saying this?

It only moves the problem. Instead of RSV being gone, it’ll be MM that is gone.


Dont hit me, Watermist… but they could make MM rogues.


That was funny, I’ll grant you.

Just this once…


I meant with the option of using the talent choices. You could have one of the first row choices be Aim Shot is replaced with X and now you can move and attack.

No killing a spec look for another option for a different play-style by using talents.

I think the point Watermist was making, is that if you start replacing MM talents with ones that provide elements from old RSV, this leaves less room to explore the depth and fantasy of MM itself. What makes it even worse is the fact that anything you put in as talents will, at most, amount to a very basic version of RSVs gameplay. One that does not blend well with the core of MM, even if some of it is replaced by said new talents.

You would have no room to further explore the fantasy of RSV. The end result would be subpar on all accounts, no matter how you choose to look at it.


Thank you for clarifying. I appreciate it. :slightly_smiling_face:

Well, idano, the thing is, during WoD, MM Hunters, through Talent selection, could assemble a Hunter to better suit the Player, basically by buffing what the player felt was most important. DPS, survivability, PvP, solo play, these were things players wanted to be able to do. There were many MM Talents to choose from.
Pick what Talents they may, there was still no doubt what Spec they played.
Eliminating MM Talent choices to make room for RSV Talents would make MM less than it is, and Talents alone will not make an RSV Hunter.


Since WoW finally made cross faction, I think it embraces the fact that the game world is really just a lobby in which they expect us to wait for our instance groups to assemble.

In that vein, they should probably just make all classes one spec. Maybe give them a distinct PvP one, since they dont want viable tanks in instanced PvP. That way no one can ever feel pressured to make choices, and everyone will always have the right spec.

cant know something when you never tried the current state from experience. Just sound on a spectrum.

you literally cry out “melee brain” like 400 times a thread

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As nice as it would be, I doubt that RSV would be brought back as a fourth spec, which has been suggested as the best option. That said the this leaves either one RVS being returned in another class, let’s say Blizzard made Dark Rangers then SV could be reintroduced as a spec for that class. The other suggestion is having it be another form of play for an already existing spec. There is not just one easy way to bring back RSV as it adds more complications. You add it as a fourth spec then other classes will want to know why they did not get a fourth spec, like Shamans having a Tank spec. Blizzard would have to see a clear purpose of Hunters having four specs.

My suggestion is the easiest way of bring back RSV is with the talent trees. Let look at MSV as it is now instead then of MM. During BfA, the current version of Survival is honestly not too far from a ranged DPS spec. Three of their four core rotational abilities (Serpent Sting, Wildfire Bomb, and Kill Command) all have 40-50 yard ranges . Even Survival’s primary cooldown, Coordinated Assault, just buffs damage of the Hunter and its pet. Nothing from Coordinated Assault requires a melee weapon. The key component of Survival Hunter that keeps them in melee range is their primary focus dump, Raptor Strike/Mongoose Bite (although let’s be real here why is Mongoose Bite a talent it’s always taken). If a Survival Hunter right now were to slap on a ranged weapon, they wouldn’t really possess a primary focus dump when fighting from afar. A lot of Survival Hunter’s DPS is also currently focused into Mongoose Bite, making it a very punishing spell not to cast. So then the option would Arcane Shot replacing Raptor as it main focus dump, or even Black Arrow.

There are a couple there are also some other small things that hold ranged Survival back in Shadowlands currently, but not in a direct damage perspective. The two key things are Wing Clip and Muzzle. Both of these spells are a Survival Hunters’ slow and interrupt spells (respectively), and they both require melee weapons. This means that a Survival Hunter would be stuck in Demonology Warlock’s shoes as a ranged class with no real interrupt besides a stun (in the form of Intimidation) or hard CC (Freezing Trap). If Survival were to receive Counter Shot and Concussive Shot as baseline spells like BM and MM, this small problem would be gone entirely. Yes, this would give Survival Hunters TWO baseline interrupts, but Blizzard could either tie their CDs together (CDs of both trigger when one is used, where it’d be a 15sec CD when it’s Muzzle being used and 24sec when Counter Shot is used), or they just let Survival be the spec with two interrupts because Survival needs SOMETHING to make it stand out against its sibling specs.

The only other thing Survival loses when moving to range is the side effect of using Carve in AoE. Carve requires the use of a melee weapon, and even though its damage isn’t really that great, it does reduce the CD of Wildfire Bomb by 1sec per target hit (up to 5sec). For AoE situations, since ranged Survival wouldn’t be getting as many Wildfire Bombs, we can probably just write this off as Survival takes the Level 30 talent Hydra’s Bite to instead beef up our Serpent Sting damage and make it quicker to apply to multiple targets.

revert SV to ranged.

add lvl 10 BM talent called “rexxar gang” that says “allows you to wield 2h and dual wield 1h weapons and converts all shots to melee strikes”. then everyone can RP as rexxar and we also get 3rd ranged spec back.


That talent would be useless as the spec would be designed around ranged, so that talent would literally just gimp your range.

Just keep it melee, forget the old, dated spec and play one of the other 2 options lol

Nope, ain’t gonna happen. You know why? Because, as have been said before, the other two options don’t play like “the old, dated spec”.