Ah yes that must be why we never hear SV Hunters constantly ask for anything like special, exclusive utility to make the spec desirable in PvE content, or extra mitigation and self-healing to better survive in melee…
How is SV “designed around melee” and BM “designed around ranged”? It’s not enough to just handwave things away by saying “Oh Blizzard designed for that”. You evidently recognise that opting into melee from a ranged context is bad and amounts to just gimping your range, but to you that’s only bad when within the context of BM. Yet somehow when it’s the context of the entire Hunter class and we’re gimping an entire spec, it’s not only fine but amounts to “the best state of Survival we’ve ever seen”.
You really should try out for the olympics seeing as you love showing off all those mental gymnastics. For the love of all that is holy, stop being a complete clown. Everyone here is now dumber for reading anything you post constantly. Get a grip of reality and stop CRYING ABOUT THIS ALREADY ITS SO STUPID. Act your age for once and stop being the entire circus.
The idea is your pet should be taking all the damage while you attack. First Survival is not a pure melee spec. You do not just jump in along side your pet. You set up from ranged position your pet then toss bombs and shoot poison, which after you hop in to do some serious beat down. However most of the troubles people have with survival is when more than one target comes into play. Even if your range you have more one enemy coming at you there is also one that breaks off to come at you. If your range you have time to CC or have your pet get aggro back, but in melee range there not enough time and you will get damaged. You need to be agile and step in and out of melee range often. You must be comfortable moving to play survival.
You also lack much of a ‘burst’ window, with really only one long cooldown in Coordinated Offensive. Compared to other melee classes, you lack plate armor, spammable heals, or a Cheat Death. Melee in general is a little more dangerous, too. Things that other melee classes have that survival lacks. Defensives outside of 3 min turtle shell, a 2 min 30% heal. Low aoe cc and stuns, intimidation is 1 min single target stun. Low cooldown dodge abilities such a blur/evasion.
However, Hunters best defense has been being very aggressive and kiting, what survival can’t do as well as range is kite cause its strongest attack requires melee range, and the cool down that cheats this still has only short widows. So, there are good chances that you will take some heavy damage if your spec is not built for it. The problem with SV is that being melee means you need the right abilities to be a melee spec.
I have an actual quest about what other are using to keep track of Mongoose Fury stacks? I looked at some weak auras but not able to figure what I should pick?
Some ppl are hating on the idea of it returning bc either they were destroyed by it back in the day, can manipulate present day situations with MSV, and/or have an agenda to push another 3rd/4th spec on another class.
If we look at it, and should look at it, from a hunter community perspective, there is a very large RSV community that was alienated when it was removed from play. Most of the hunter community at some time past and present as well as many other class players who left hunters bc of the removal of RSV deeply desire for the spec to return.
If you look at it from a playerbase wide perspective, hunters receive very little attention as it is, which is blatantly be proven by the currently ptr. Hunters are the last class to receive feedback and tuning. RSV returning would require blizz to pay attention to the class more, even if it means MSV falls to a similar situation as Feral druids. This small price to pay to receive more class-wide attention is best for the hunter playerbase.
Meow, b4 I get all the white knighters hating me, let me state that I do play MSV pretty consistently, mostly in m+. In fact, I play all 3 hunter specs in situations where each spec excels. I would play all 4 specs in the same matter.
Needs some number tuning and it’ll be awesome. It’s a blast throwing bombs harpooning into melee and throwing out poison and etc… one of the most dynamic specs in the game if not THE most
So, presuming you are talking about PvP, mongoose is probably not your most important attack against melee that you would be kiting, for reasons you mentioned prior, namely strong resistance to physical damage. Against plate wearers, you are going to want to keep up your poisons, burns and bleeds, and of course, stay out of range.
That works for a 1 vs 1 situation, but when company shows up the DoTs take too long to wait on. Raptor just feels designed to be the strongest attack that way it still can be called melee. It feels like SV was designed to jump in and out of danger to be most effective, you need to agile and step in and out of melee range often.
Kitting only works if the spec does not need to be in melee to use CC, Muzzle and Wing Clip both need you to be in melee. Then when there are more players you now have to worry about teams with multiple stuns and the lack of your own defensive cooldowns. It also reliant on pets for some of their damage and utility, which can be come an issue when it needs to focus on more than target.
Exhilaration needs a shorter cooldown and higher health replenishment along with Aspect of the Turtle being usable when stun or just heals. Intimidation could also work as a AoE stun.
So you want to be an un’cc’able, plate wearing, dps monster who can do as much dps to one or many players, while being able to use cc from range, without having to worry about the pet at all who can just go solo someone without any thought from you…
Because a lot of people want that playstyle back. One that can’t be found anywhere else, despite how much you like to say otherwise.
Feel free to elaborate on what you meant exactly with “dated gameplay”.
I’ll just repeat what I said to you in the other topic:
If they were to add another spec to the hunter class, this would do very little in terms of disrupting the current level of balancing that we have atm. The big problem isn’t the specs themselves, but the fact that they, every single expansion, devote so much time and resources on new temporary systems and borrowed powers. Again, implementing RSV as a 4th spec for the class would not have a big impact on the tuning and balancing of other specs or classes.
And? Just as many locks want demon form back. Just as many warriors want gladiator stance back. Even more shammies want 2h enh to be a thing again. You are not special. You don’t deserve special treatment.
First off, neither of the things you mentioned constitutes entire Core Specializations, rather, parts of such. Either way, have I at any point said that those can’t be brought back for their respective classes/specs?
No? Okay, so in what way am I/are we asking for “special treatment”? Heck, I’m/we’re not even asking for something that’s never happened before. Druids got a 4th spec almost 10 years ago.