It’s like all the Boss fights in ICC was all Single Target DPS and only 2 fights are AoE fest. MM with Armor Pen dominated the Single Target DPS. Survival has nowhere close on Single Target DPS. On 2 fights where Hunter has to AoE, on me, I switched to Survival and I was on toe-to-toe with AoE DPS with the Unholy DKs double DoT dominating the AoE DPS. MM’s AoE was horrendous. But Survival’s AoE was awesome like the DK’s. I asked other fellow hunters then to switch to Survival on AoE fights. All they said to me was they dont know how to do Survival particularly on AoE. Lich King fight is AoE fest. That’s where I shined as Survival but I was all MM with Bosses with Single Target fights.
If you min/max, you have to switch specs. That’s what I do even today. But our conduits are not changeable. You need to port to your Covenant place to switch Soulbind/conduits.
Survival’s dominance on AoE on Wrath was not realized by most Hunters. It requires Trap on the rotation. And that’s not what Hunters do back then. Survival Master of Trap and they never do a single trap. WHen Wrath Classic comes in, I would show you how to properly AoE as Survival.
This is definitely something that has been brought up before, but in a different way. Mostly talking about how bad it felt to need to trap in your dps rotation.
I use to when they had began to post; however, their toxicity is not at same level. Bepples attacks when at those who come at them first. Toxi goes to great lengths to find Bepples just to give them a issue.
The forums are full of toxic replies, but when you only see one poster replying over and over with nothing but slurs then it easier to focus on that one individual.
Bepples has long posts, so it not as easily clear when it an insult or just a rant. However, when it a single line that nothing, but a clear insult then it faster to focus on that one individual.
And then when it is nothing but slandering then it makes it clearer that they have nothing else to add.
Sounds like it would become repetitive going for same person after awhile, were is the challenge in seeing how much it takes to break another poster?
I stand by what I say, you fight or you die there is no out.
have you not seen a Hunter use Disengage+ Posthaste then flip around to run away? If you need to get even more distance you hit Cheetah. Blizzard adds those little comments to abilities for player that are not aware of it main use. However, if you find another way of using it it fine until it used as a exploit then Blizzard screws it all up.
It more of a detective movie than straight up action flic like many DC movies.
Exactly, you’re blunt with your remarks, and Bepples takes the long road to get to their insults. I only have so much time.
Or you could use Snake on an enemy player’s pets to get them to go into auto PvP mode. I used that on a DK who was using a bot to kill pigs in outland, and placed my trap to get their ghoul to attack it. Then just killed them while they were afk.
sounds like a dead one. Thats why there isnt a reboot
there was once a temp bug back in wrath where the snakes would attack other snakes causing the orgrimmar guards to attack the snakes putting me in combat. i had so many snakes i killed saufang at the front gate.
terrible movie. people who like it know nothing about batman much less the joker.
WoW has never not been fun. Prob the only thing that annoys me about this game when people say there is nothing too do but have no pvp rank, never finished heroic content, achivements are bellow 15k and have less than 150 mounts.
I wonder if this is due to SVH’s dependence on their pet… or both having a pet and being dependent on it for things like focus regen and utility. I mean, I can understand the concept of fighting one way (ranged) and then another (melee) as it suits the situation, but I’m not convinced whoever put this spec. together did a great job building a spec. around this concept… it’s a bit of a kludgy mess imo with a couple nice features.
I do miss the old DoT/ranged version. It’s easy to be reminded of the loss whenever you think about respeccing for fun.
as a melee meathead, SV is like a melee spec for people afraid to play in melee. you cant attack during turtle, your other options are range specs, and the only cool melee skill (butchery) is a dead talent nobody uses. the spec has almost no appeal.
It seems that this is a common sentiment among melee players. SV just isnt designed to appeal to melee players. It might have been during Legion, but it just doesnt play like melee in the current game.
I personally like that, but it doesnt translate well in instanced PvE encounters.
Disengage is to avoid AOE, cleave or splash damage then use Harpoon to re-engage, it’s not rocket science. Admittedly I’d rather Harpoon be replaced with a leap attack that does damage, but that’s just me.