Survival not enough buttons

To be frank, after seeing the OP’s responses to Wingclipt’s queries, I can’t take their opinion seriously.

Level up all the way, spend more time playing it, and main something other than BM (which has even fewer buttons), THEN you are allowed to criticize the number of buttons.

Actually, I’ll be constructive as well:
Wait until you get the Wildfire Infusion talent. It changes things up quite a bit, forcing you to think on your feet about what you’re using when.
As a general rule, classes are not fully developed before max level, and this has only become more and more true from WoD onward, especially in expansions like Legion.

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Survival actually has one of the most diverse playstyles in BFA, especially when compared to every other melee spec. In addition to having more buttons than most classes SV also has tons of unique tools/ mechanics in PvP.

If you’re worried about performance Survival can easily top damage in BGs, mythics, and arenas and is actually really strong in 2s. 3s is a different situation but who knows, with the cloak proc coming out this week survival cleaves may make a comeback.

If you are interested in survival content I post some on youtube at Lvladen PvP


Mastering a complex class is much more satisfying as well is separating yourself from other players via skill instead of gear.

I agree with OP legion SV was the better version of MSV.

All the abilities sharing damage should be essential to class design, this is why we keep having a power shift in talents from patch to patch. At the beginning of BfA Animal Companion was the worst talent options, bad AI and a dps lost; however, in 8.3 it has become now one of the best overall dps choices.

Was this change cause it was so under performing Blizzard wanted it to be on same level or does Blizzard just want each talent to have its time to shine?

This is Needs vs Wants. You can enjoy playing how you want, or your guild has an open spot, and only wants the highest dps players.

Same reasons why we get bring the spec not the player groups, who cares if you are a high accomplish player when all we want it the spec that bring most utility.

Blizzard tried this in Legion but all players ended up wanting was MSV to be simplified, and be like Rexxar more, who was originally BM.

They cut out most of the abilities, slapped in some of BM, and duct tapped it all together.

I played many other specs and you have cool downs that buff stats, or increase damage.

BM has Aspect of the Wild which increases Crit, and Bestial Wrath that increases damage. Then You have Fury Warrior with Recklessness that increases Crit, and Rampage that buffs damage.

MSV has just damage buffs and has talents that buff stats.

That is something else MSV is a melee spec that has more range abilities than melee abilities. Once you use AotE you become a fully range class again.

They improved it, but had to cut most of it back and barrow from another spec.

I have leveled Outlaw, Enhancement, Fury, Havoc, Wind Walker, Destruction, and five other hunters.

There are many spec that have more abilities than MSV, and those spec have exciting rotations cause they require focus and thinking. You have spells that you may want to hold off on just so your next ability lines up to give you most bang.

MSV can have this but has to talent into them were theses specs can acquire them from just leveling, and does not have pick and choose like talents.

I am asking this from a leveling stand point not max level. I have already played MSV in Legion and BfA at max with all the talents, and from there you have any potion of play-style.

I am looking at the base core of MSV just what the game gives you while leveling with non of the bells that talents give, and without those the rotation feels like it could use something.

If you think surv is too simple, you’re most certainly not playing it to skill cap, or you only do easy pve content. There’s a lot of ability interaction, particularly at max level and with the right azerite traits (which are part of class design right now, for better or worse; low-level classes aren’t complete in design)


Idk why people obsess about wanting to play a hard spec. I would rather play an easy spec that is fun and satisfying to play than a hard spec which isn’t.

And yes current survival is easy af. Birds of prey which is the highest performing spec for raids doesn’t even cast one of their 4 dps spells if u dont play vv.
The only time i really struggle with survivals rotation is when i play latent poison + hydras bite on big m+ packs

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Ill give credit to talent and how the options(depending on class/spec) aren’t always one-sided and each can have variety in output and/or style.

If you are mindlessly spamming Mongoose bite, you are doing it wrong. It may only have a few buttons, but you need to know how to manage the stacks and focus properly.

Aspect of the eagle makes you fully ranged so you can close the gap. By using aspect of the eagle to stay out of range for extended periods for the “fully ranged class fantasy” you will gimp your dps since like 10% of our dps is from melee auto attacks, which does not get extended by aspect of the eagle.

Yes we have a lot of ranged abilities but it is still a melee spec made to be played in melee for your best dps. Playing it otherwise is interesting in theory but not intended or ideal. Until such a day they allow for a true fully ranged playstyle of survival again, survival is a melee spec.

***in PVE

In pvp, its very much optimal to not always be in melee range. Latent poisons active incentivization not to mongoose spam.

I think survival has too many buttons lol :man_shrugging: