Survival needs to stay!

Actually they are, but as you say
“ Not really any point to argue your personal interpretation of what you play.”

How are Explosive Shot and Mongoose bite essentially the same? Give me your explanation.


Yep… but some people here prefer to put themselves on the unhappy side instead of seeking something they love.

You totally can play what makes you happy… you simply wish not to for what ever reason. You’ll say its no longer there, then look for something ! If it ain’t here, then leave to find it.

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What I loved was deleted from the game. Therefore, seeking something I love is identical to me providing feedback to Blizzard encouraging them to return something that I love. While doing that I do the closest thing to that thing I love by playing Classic Hunter and looking forward to Survival’s return in Wrath.

Apparently some people don’t think these pursuits are valid though.

Do you understand what happens when something is deleted? It isn’t just ‘moved’ somewhere else. It is gone. We wish for Blizzard to return what they deleted, what is now ‘gone’.


No Mr Troll, its not gone, it has evolved. It means you are no longer having fun on it, it means you should look for something that you have fun on, it means if it aint here then go elsewhere.

Evolution does not prevent extinction. If something ‘evolves’ into something different, and the former is no longer found, then it is extinct, it is gone. It is not I who have changed in my taste, but the spec itself that has fundamentally changed. I have not outgrown it; rather it has been altered at a fundamental level to being completely different from what it was prior. It is no longer found in game. It is extinct, it is gone.


I have multiple hunters and have levelled this one up using just Survival.

Honestly, I’ve had a blast. I normally do mythics/raids on my main as BM, but have done Survival and have had fun.

Let people have fun and stop complaining that they’re having it.

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Nobody is complaining that they are having fun. We are complaining because the spec that we had fun in was deleted for no reason.


I get that and can appreciate it, but it is also now 4 years since the spec became melee, time to appreciate what we have instead of lamenting for a past love.


Hey you know what people loved 14 - 16 years ago? Vanilla wow. You know what Blizz gave people who loved Vanilla last year after 13 years of lobbying? Classic WoW. Sooo… yeah people should just move on, because blizz never goes back on what they said previously right?


I think the difference here is that they could see there was a fiscal benefit to releasing something that people are nostalgic for and enjoyed. The classic game has benefits that retail doesn’t and vice versa.

The game designers for retail have a specific vision, and it seems that isn’t a ranged survival spec, sorry. If they do implement it, great. If not, sad ;( But in the end, play a spec you do enjoy instead of complaining about one you won’t or can’t play.

In the end we’re all just a hunter family :slight_smile:


What a “very large group” of people.

Beside, did they really give classic wow because lots of people really wanted it?

…oooor because they could make money and get all the players using private servers to sub. They probably didn’t think it would be that big, but they won.

Now to compare this with a single class spec… its comparing Jupiter with Pluto.

Halo CE is better than Marksman spec change my mind

You do realize when classic launched, it was breaking records on twitch for most watch hours in a week or something like that.

Yes, because of lots of people weren’t verbal about wanting it, they wouldn’t have thought they’d make any money on it… or do you really think Blizz was like “Well there doesn’t seem to be a large market for it from what we can see, but if we make it, we’ll probably make lots of money on it.”

They knew it was going to be a big thing, initially at least. That’s why they implemented layering when Classic 1st launched. If they didn’t think a lot of people were going to play it, they wouldn’t have implemented layering if they made classic at all.

Now can you stop with this not so subtle attempt to tell people to just get over it and move on.


Yes… I was simply adding that it was very large… since you seem to use it as a example on things they “wouldn’t bring back but did”

I dont know if you are unaware of companies’ goal or ignorant on the subject or delusional ?

Its a buisness, it wants to make money. Yes people weren’t that truly verbal about it… they didn’t need to. Do you think blizzard were blind to the many private servers out there? About how much people are willing to make “donations” on it to keep the server up or gain “special” stuff in game. No, they knew all that, they knew they’d make money out of this. As much as they did? probably not.

I think you’re getting fooled by the famous words said by “designers” on, You think you want it, but you don’t.

Yes, use a typo to try to misconstrue what I said. Lot’s of people were verbal about wanting Classic WoW.

See that first of, that I just bolded? I’m sure you just pretended it didn’t exist the 1st time. It was supposed to be an if.

There was even a petition that had something over 200k signatures, I don’t remember the exact amount. Pretty damn verbal.

I’m not being fooled by anything, but I do think you are a fool. You complain about people asking for something and offer little in the way of feedback or any legitimate reason as to why what people have been asking for shouldn’t happen.

What little feedback you have offered, makes me arch a brow so hard that it confirms my belief that you don’t play a hunter. inb4 you cry about me attacking your avatar again, rather than addressing what was said.

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Blizzard didn’t believe in Classic WoW right up till their servers were bombarded on launch day and they had to kneejerk a bunch of new realms because two thirds of the playerbase was waiting in queues. Their position was “You think you want it, but you don’t.”, and it turns out we thought we wanted it and we did.

They should have learned their lesson, that their shoddy ‘vision’ isn’t going to improve the game. They need to listen to the playerbase because we do know what we want, and we know that deleting specs that have existed for over a decade is something that we do not want.


They did enough to invest money in it to make it a thing, it being popular is great for Bizz. I read some of the dev interviews, pretty interesting to shoehorn things like Eyes of the Beast back!

The whole thing is a good step for Blizz’s ego, it helps the devs that are passionate keep working on it and other projects instead of shutting down projects due to cashflow.

Bringing back ranged Survival would be easier, much easier than introducing melee SV in Legion. First off, all they had to do was not delete ranged SV. They could have just introduced the melee Hunter spec without deleting ranged SV, and they wouldn’t have lost hundreds of thousands of Hunter players.

So long as they don’t delete melee SV when they return ranged SV, they are essentially guaranteed to profit more than they did when they deleted ranged SV and implemented melee SV. Plus, they already have a long history with ranged SV, making it a safer option to implement with already existing fans, and an easier option to implement with an already existing fantasy, kit and talents. So unless you want to admit that replacing ranged SV with melee SV was a fairly significant net negative for the game and for Blizzard, then Blizzard has absolutely nothing to lose with bringing back ranged SV.


That’s what guilds are for, if they know you know how to play the spec it should not matter what you raid as. I see the issue more with PuGs and thinking they are a sure win if they play like the to guilds.

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