How am I handpicking data? I’ve given you stats from all 3 of the major forms of endgame content? I don’t care about survival, I’m not a hunter it just bothers me that you’re stating your opinion as fact with no evidence, when there are mountains of evidence in the exact opposite direction.
You really think that despite survival being one of if not the least played spec in raid, m+, and PvP, that there are tons of them out there? Where are they hiding? Do they congregate somewhere I don’t know about, these thousands of survival hunters?
What evidence do you have ?! You have data for SPECIFIC portions of the game and you’re saying its like that for ALL of the game ??
You picked the data for a specific portion of the game that proves your point of saying SV is under played. How is that not Handpicking data ??
If you want real data, you need to cover ALL ASPECT of the game. Not just hand picking the Mythic raiding, where few does it and majority doesn’t. Where not everyone is interested in M+ dungeons. Where not everyone loves Arena pvp. Where’s the world pvp? the Norm Raids? the Heroic Raids? The LFR Raids? The Regular BGs? Where’s the major part of the game?
Im saying you cannot judge any class / spec popularity based on hand picked data and you demand evidence? wtf? Hello basic brain ?
Yes class representation at max level isn’t the best, it has tons of flaws, but its the closest god dam thing there is to represent popularity since it covers everything.
Warcraftlogs is back up, time to cover ALL aspects of the game
Mythic plus - 0.6% representation
Arena - 2 % rep. Hunters least represented class
Mythic raiding - second lowest # of parses at 1,100. 3rd lowest is MM hunter, which in Mythic does significantly less damage. Survival is the 11th highest damage spec out of 24. Which means it performs better than 13 other specs, but is represented less than 12 of them, INCLUDING MARKSMANSHIP.
Heroic raiding - second lowest # of parses at 9,800. 3rd lowest is at 28,000.
Normal raiding - second lowest # of parses at 2,380. 3rd lowest is MM hunter at 5,300 while MM is lower on the damage meters.
There is no data for LFR but there seems to be a trend dont you think?
According to World of Wargraphs, hunters represented 13% of the population. As soon as legion hit they dropped to about 8% and have had similar representation since.
Explain this away. There is no way to tell about world PvP and regular BGs, but since those two are the two forms of content least participated in, we can assume that there’s not a plethora of survival hunters out there strictly doing Wpvp and BGs LOL.
Is this data real enough or are we going to come up with another excuse?
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No, a BM uses the pet, orders it. The pet does nearly all the work. The hunter is more of a support there. The SV works with the pet, tag team as said.
A comparison with real life: BM is the Dog Trainer guiding the pet in the obstacle race. SV is a police officer or trooper going in with a dog as his partner.
Ever heard of something called a focus group? Even given a number of people smaller than the total, statistics about the total can be estimated with fairly accurate results. The bigger the focus group, the more accurate the results become.
So unless you can explain why the smaller number of people may give statistically significantly different results, then we can look at these results as a reflection of the grander total. PvP for example tends to have greatly skewed results since it is not nearly as balanced as PvE, and some specs/classes are straight up completely unviable within it.
I think the point the OP was making is that melee SV has its fans.
Blizzard is now in a position where they can’t just remove it, because that will upset people who like a melee SV class, but there are at least as many people who want ranged SV back. Others have pointed out that making a 4th spec will aggravate non-hunters who want a 4th spec for their class. I still think they ought to do it.
Yep. I feel for other classes that want a new fourth spec. But we Hunters just want a fourth spec so we can have back what we lost. We already got a new fourth spec: melee SV. We just also want back ranged SV.
So, when you use Kill Command as a BM hunter, you order you pet around and the pet does all the work.
But when you use Kill Command as a SV hunter, it suddenly turns into “you, working with the pet” ?
Also, Barbed Shot for BM is not themed around ordering your pet to do anything. You make the target bleed and this triggers your pet to go into a frenzy.
Apart from this, what else is there for BM which shows how a BM hunter “orders their pet around”?
You obviously have no idea what a “troll” is, when it comes to these forums so…stop accusing people of being that.