Survival must be melee

You are so far off my point you some how ended up on jupiter. My point is, people said that Vanilla would never come back. Just no, no, no. Not going to happen. A big ol’ wall of no. And yet here we are. Turns out when enough people ask for something, blizzard gives in and gives them what they want.

  1. Gladiator… not an actual spec.
  2. Yes, all the specs have evolved over the years. Only 1 spec has ever actually been deleted. That was RSV.
  3. People don’t have to get over anything. Just because you like it doesn’t mean they have to like it or even accept it.

Oh fun, another melee hunter that thinks MM, RSV, and BM were basically the same thing. As has been explained on these forums at nauseum, despite what Ion wants to say, RSV and MM were not the same. Not even close. So the answer to your question is simple. They bring back the RSV playstyle and boom, instantly different enough from MM and BM to be it’s own thing and viable. As for “fun and engaging”, those are subjective, but given that RSV was far more popular than MSV ever has been, I think it has a good chance.

Because deleting spec that people enjoy is wrong. Even if only a tiny % of people enjoy it/want to play it, removing it is wrong.



Well let’s look at some data. This is as of the time of this writing. (Yes I did this in another thread.) This is the hunter population for level 50 and above. (I say level 50 because there are likely some alts in threads of fate being caught up in this.)

Currently there are

705,340 Hunters

407,757 MM
270,646 BM
26,937 SV

125,139 Kyrian
82,960 MM
35,633 BM
6,546 SV

32,670 Necrolord
12,126 MM
15,798 BM
4,746 SV

514,125 Night Fae
298,726 MM
202,201 BM
13,198 SV

33,406 Venthyr
13,945 MM
17,014 BM
2,447 SV

MM makes up 57.81% of the hunter population
BM makes up 38.37% of the hunter population
SV makes up 3.82% of the hunter population

So yeah… MSV is not a popular spec by any stretch of the imagination. It currently makes up only .44% of the total population that has joined a covenant.

Statistics -