I distinctly remember that being untrue though. During 3.1 - 3.2 it was definitely viable. 3.3 MM took off due to armor pen. Cataclysm was mostly balanced between the three specs being roughly equal, representation varied during the various patches though I remember SV being the top dog for Dragon Soul (4.3).
It was also apparently really popular during SoO (I wasn’t playing at the time admittedly).
Just going to direct you to that post. What you’re stating is factually untrue. It’s not popular in any meaning of the word.
I was never making such a claim? I don’t even want to take away from you or anyone else! I simply want to play as an arcane archer which was an option I used to have. I want a fourth spec because not only does it avoid repeating the same mistake that happened going into Legion and alienating players like yourself (I actively want you and everyone else who enjoy SV to have fun and play it) but it will give back what many players really do want.
Not to mention it would be good for the long term health of the game. Think about this for a moment, the current precedent right now is a spec can and will be deleted if Blizz decides they should do it, regardless of whether they think it will be popular or not (by Ion’s own admission, SV is a niche spec). Current SV can absolutely suffer the same fate that the old SV faced if Blizz decides it should get that treatment.
That is terrible regardless of how anyone feels about current or old SV. A 4th spec not only acknowledges that how the current SV was implemented was a mistake, but it helps set a new precedent of not deleting specs going forward.
I honestly disagree. I think it’ll help those who enjoy the spec avoid the potential fate old SV faced, as well as get it to stop living in its shadow. I think overall, it’ll do the opposite and help the spec. I sincerely doubt the majority of the crowd that enjoys MSV are the same that enjoyed old SV.