No I’m saying you didn’t get threads like " Survival is such a dead spec. Player count feels low". At least not until 6.2, but the melee announcement was already imminent at that point.
You mean to tell me a brainless high damage spec had high population so people wouldn’t make weird threads about it? Go figure!
People make threads all the time right now about how boring and terrible MM to play is and that’s ranged, so clearly the ranged isn’t a factor in people making whiney threads about it.
bm and mm are both ranged and literally whichever one is the weaker of the 2 on any given patch has such threads you are severly coping if you think rsv would be different
Deflecting to MM again, I see.
“People didn’t make bad threads about SV when it was ranged”
“But people make bad threads about MM and that’s a ranged spec, so clearly it doesn’t matter”
“Deflecting again I see!”
Why is it whenever you don’t have a point you just say someone is deflecting? Just because someone brings up something you don’t want to read because it damages your fragile thought process it doesn’t mean it’s deflecting
I do have a point; and that’s that SV was in a much better state when it was ranged. It was much more relevant and widely enjoyed. People like Gunshy dispute this and pretend it was unpopular in its day, but it wasn’t. You can argue that melee was an improvement, and you’d be wrong there too, but any argument that amounts to “ranged SV was just as worse-off as melee SV” is invalid.
MM’s not relevant to that. Right now it’s crap because it’s woefully undertuned even at its specific niche, it depends on its tier set to be viable, and its playstyle, no matter what you think about it (I for one don’t mind it) is just not as compelling as BMs. To top it off, it has a glaringly obvious bug that further wrecks its DPS. Blizzard probably isn’t even aware the bug exists. MM since BFA has been characterised by total neglect from Blizzard; they clearly don’t have anyone who wants to work on it and their efforts to maintain the spec have been less than minimal.
Could a hypothetical ranged SV end up like that? Maybe, if they still have no one on staff who gives a damn about that sort of fantasy. That might be very well true and it could even be the primary reason why they made it melee. If that’s the case they need to address it and not sidestep it. What we had in WotLK, Cata, and MoP was a much better state for the class and an ideal foundation to work on. We shouldn’t have ever lost that and clearly whatever they’re doing now is a waste of time.
that’s a whole lot of yapping for a deflection. you’re trying to pretend ranged specs wouldn’t have dumb threads made about it when that’s observably false—now you’re just trying to change topics once again by saying “back in my day the overtuned easy to play extremely safe ranged spec was popular!”
MM is entirely relevant to this discussion. it’s a ranged spec so according to you it wouldn’t have bad threads about it.
What about the argument that if rsv existed right now it’d still have stupid threads just like the current ranged hunter specs do
So is crying about something that hasn’t existed since WoD
I didn’t say there wouldn’t be “dumb threads”. I said there wouldn’t be threads like “Survival is such a dead spec. Player count feels low”, i.e. this thread’s title. There were occasional dumb suggestions but you rarely got existential dooming or demands for a fundamental change in direction.
MM’s woes right now are not a result of fundamental failings. It was a widely-played spec as recently as Dragonflight season 1. They’ve botched it twice in a row now, mainly due to sub-minimum effort and maintenance. However whenever its performance is good it sees plenty of play. Meanwhile SV’s performance is good right now and it’s still underplayed. SV clearly has the more fundamental problem, and it’s obvious what that is to anyone who isn’t in denial.
Which is a complete guess on your part and more than likely not even true since there are threads right now about BM or MM being “bad” spec despite them both being ranged.
So what’s your cope on why there were specs less played than SV the last two patches? None of the specs played less than SV even had the “baggage” of being swapped to m/r 8 years ago.
Move those goal posts buddy. You are literally the most ridiculous person I’ve ever encountered.
Believe it or not for most of ranged Survival’s existence it wasn’t gutted to hell due to the imminent decision to make it melee.
It held up back then. It would have to be really bad to warrant that same existential dooming. As long as they find a single developer who’s remotely interested in ranged weapon fantasies they’ll be fine.
Those specs don’t typically stay barely played once they’re performing well.
That doesn’t answer my question at all lol. Why do you think mut or arcane or affliction were less played? Why do you think affliction is consistently less played than demo/destruction?
2015 wow =/- 2024 wow
Because they sucked? In a pure DPS class with 2 other options that means they get less played. There have been times when those specs are the preferred ones, too.
Do you agree Survival, from a performance standpoint, doesn’t suck right now?
Right, it doesn’t suck.
I mean numerically no, they weren’t far behind at all.
Do you think if a pure DPS class doesn’t have each spec at 33.3% representation there’s a problem?
damn, this thread was actually an entertaining, constructive read until it OF COURSE (and i just knew it was coming) devolved into yet another moan and whine fest from you know who for like half (approx 70 posts!) the thread. truly blows my mind mods haven’t done anything. i’ve seen them crack down on far less. heck, i think they’d be helping the poor dude out who clearly cannot help himself.
Hell yes brother. Its so much fun this patch
Lmao I been away from these forums for months and the big Bepp himself is still doing his same old schtick, what a crack up
It became a whine fest? Did you miss the thread title?
I’m not breaking the rules by disagreeing with you.
Also the thread includes a frequent poster counter at the top, which shows that I have 25 posts in the thread. A little less than “approx 70”.
nope you’re not! doesn’t make it any less any true though. anyways, i’m not even going to take the time to break down anything for you. you clearly have a reputation so that’s explanation enough. also, i meant 70 posts in total of how much your tired old anti-sv campaigning dominated the thread, not the number of your posts.