Survival is such a dead spec. Player count feels low

It’s about gadgets than using the environment. Take out the pet and you have the base for a Tinkerer. Traps, bombs, and melee that sounds un-hunter like, and close to a soldier. Bounty Hunter is closes Survival comes to a hunter in design.

Every spec uses traps though

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All your data is based upon raids and M+ content which have reasons beyond ‘wah wah I don’t like melee’ to not play the spec.
Truth is you speak only for yourself because you don’t even care about getting L&L SV back, it’s just about deleting melee in your mind.

Only like 2 abilities actually require melee, the fantasy doesn’t make much sense as a melee, why are they chucking bombs in melee range? are they stupid?

Not a hate on survival thing but i never understood the fantasy of such a thing

i mean this also apples to Retribution, Outlaw, Unholy, and Enhancement. Maybe there should be a new classification for stretchy melee

honestly with how melee unfriendly this game is it’s for the best, playing windwalker or warrior makes me want to die compared to melee with extra range

yeah it would be an entirely different game if ranged was punished at all the same way melee is :stuck_out_tongue:

cause you cant use a bow, if survival was like classic wow and you could have both a bow and a melee wep it would be popular

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Would be awesome if all the ranged abilities for sv were shot from a ranged weapon if you are beyong melee range and all hits in melee range had melee animations.
Straight up badass

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That’s true, but the first version of SV had traps as part of its rotation. Survival deviated way from Hunters. I don’t think the designers really understood the fantasy of Hunters.

Thank frick explosive trap and caltrops are out.
The ammount of times they refused to trigger despite being in boss hit box…
Don’t get me wrong, thematically they were epic, but execution of em… Not so much

Sure they do. The problem is Hunter doesn’t have a specific fantasy. Look at how hard people flip out every time there’s a tier set. Some people want military elf flavored armor, some people want tribal hunter armor, some people want trophy sets

I actually like to play SV more than BM and MM. Sure BM is easy and you do good damage but I just find it boring and pet AI yea sometimes is bugged and it sucks.

SV I like how I am close up and honestly does pretty good damage. MM I like it too but this season is bad.

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That is due to they look ugly and uninspired. They mount a head on the shoulders and call it a Hunter set. Ifvthen if they are so many different variations on the concept of what the core fantasy is for Hunters then the teir sets should reflect that.

Each teir set for Dragonflight has been it has a dragon head that all. The Emerald Dream set has more interesting and unique designs.

I’m so sure Fyr’alath has nothing to do with this.

Honestly if survival was able to use a ranged AND a melee weapon at the same time that would be dope, and it would bring back the old hunter that was lost with mop.
Since it’d be using 2 handers it wouldn’t need to get more weapon drops than dual wielders do either.

It’d be neat to see what they could do with the talent tree with the old hunter mechanics

dawg the entire hunter discord has second-hand embarrassment from your antics

I expect SV to be a bit less popular this tier. I do not normally like talenting into Fury of the Eagle, but the tier set bonus requires it.

Agreed, that would be awesome! And maybe some advantages to each.

idk why they didnt just make the ranged abilities a spear throw like headhunter npcs do