In any not-entirely casual area where both kiting and playing from range are used, MSV still routinely does both, though?
Lone Wolf is a baseline option there, though. As per the oh so many revisions suggested for MM’s Lone Wolf (in baselining it but making it neither increase damage nor decrease any utility separate from necessarily having a second, separate unit [Growl-LoSing, etc.]), it would neither need to force with-pet nor pet-less play.
As for their being “too many” interactions and synergies, I have to disagree. I do think some of them are more fluff than depth-adding, but when you path through it to a few different seemingly decent builds, you’ll likely find that their not overmuch.
I have to fully disagree. Having your survivability balanced at all around using up a (zero-damage) GCD to swap about Hunter’s Mark to the casters of incoming AoEs is pretty awful design.
Because they weren’t fun.
Deadly Tandem was just a duration increase to CA. Make that free here and you just water down the duration for which CA / Spearhead are actually up, reducing burstiness. Make it a separate talent and it just looks like a lame “Improved {such and such skill}”.
Flame Infusion just balanced WFB around further ramp-up, devaluing your first cast and free charges from things like (DF’s version of) Bombardier.
Stinging Strike is literally Spear Charge.
Strength of the Pack was an RNG dependent stat-stick that doubled down on unnecessary KC spam.
None of them were actually well designed. They just made numbers go up (in a way that anything else equally could have, and likely in a less restrictive and/or banal way than those Conduits did).
I get the desire to scavange whatever might have worked before, but… again, these weren’t, in themselves good, even when they could be transferred over. As a rule of thumb, if the addition doesn’t create a sort of mini-game (or, means of optimization) that is itself enjoyable… what is the point?
Most artifact nodes were basically raw damage increases. Exceptions:
- Hellcarver - Greater Carve/Butchery damage per enemy hit.
- Reliant on higher WFB single-target damage for this to be a viable concept / not to just hurt SV’s 1- to 3-target damage in balance.
- Embrace of the Aspects - 10% reduction to Aspect CDs.
- Aspects are class-wide skills; and if spec-segregated, they would belong at least as much to BM.
- Hunter’s Guile - 20% reduction to Trap CDs.
- Traps are now Classwides, so that’d make little sense.
- Explosive Force - Bonus Explosive Trap damage.
- See above. And that Explosive Trap doesn’t exist anymore, nor does any purely damage-dealing trap.
- Birds of Prey - 10% Leech on Raptor Strike only.
- Actually not awful, but keep in mind this was when Raptor Strike was a filler, not your spammed attack. If given verbatim today, though, it could make it a little harder to threaten/peel an SV off one’s healer in 2v2s, which… honestly, might not be for the best, given that SV already has its ranged pre-engagement tools and going in probably should be a very deliberate thing for us.
- Hunter’s Bounty - 5s Exhileration CDR per kill.
- Okay, yeah, I don’t hate that one.
- Aspect of the Skylord - 30% increased damage during Aspect of the Eagle.
- Obliged us to burn AotE, an otherwise situational skill, rotationally. I’m glad it’s gone.
That’s… one decent node for the modern game, and a lackluster one of no sustained single-target value at that.
The legos were better, but still not great:
- Nesingwary’s Trapping Treads - 25 Focus on trapping an enemy
- See the replaces NTA talent removed since early beta because of complaints towards its obliged gameplay loop.
- Frizzo’s Fingertrap - 10% more Carve damage; Carve spreads Lacerate to one additional target.
- No modern Lacerate equivalent.
- Hellbrine - +30% damage done to target for 10s after using Harpoon.
- Tuning issues aside, ST and adds onto the ToE forced Harpoon-on-CD debacle.