Survival is quite a joke and it needs a rework like ret pala's

Yes indeed, quite a plethora of archetypes to draw inspiration from. I won’t say what you “should” go for, that’s entirely up to you.

…anyway, interested to see what you come up with. :+1:

My approach to the modern realisation of a “Munitions” spec has changed quite a bit since the initial iterations. Much due to feedback from other players, but also based on where my head has drifted to.

The earlier versions were ofc based on the pre-DF class design structures, such as the changes to our talent-system, etc. With that in mind, you had some options for what to do with utility(non-damage based), in addition to purely offensive spells. Obviously, nowadays, you’d approach that side through the class tree, rather than anything spec-specific. At least, that would be my preference.

From the list of archetypes you’ve posted, I’d say that my earlier versions were a mix of:

Essentially, the core was old SV, with additional elements added to support that theme. I also wanted to keep with the classic WoW hunter fantasy, with some focus on the pet, though, purely optional.

The issue with that was that it took a lot from the design space of the core theme itself, with the elements focusing on the pet. It was one of the main points of feedback from other players that, while it was optional, they preferred to not have anything included that focused on pets, beyond the most basic class-wide stuff. Especially since the intent was to keep both BM and current (M)SV as they were, with mandatory focus on pets.
The earlier pre-DF iterations also came with Immolation Trap as a core ability(non-optional).

I gradually phased out all talents/effects directly tied to the pet, in favour of purely focusing on the “Munitions” fantasy and theme.

Looking at the DF class design, with how the new talent-system structure is, I’d say that the current iteration is closer to:

- Some more than others ofc. -

No pet related stuff, anything tied to dealing damage through traps is purely optional(with additional options to make it easier to use).
I’ve also since decided to include some things that adhere more closely to the Dark Ranger-fantasy/themes. Looking primarily at [optional] enhancements to Black Arrow, taking inspiration from the version of the spell that MM hunters had in Legion. Though the intent is to have more variety in summons(undead minions), based on target types; casters/knights/beasts/etc.

Why include elements of Dark Rangers? While I personally think anything with Dark Rangers is better suited if separate to the hunter class, they introduced the new quest line for hunters, with story involving Dark Rangers, so I decided to go with it.

Note that the main post for the latest iteration isn’t fully updated in the tooltip compilation. The pastebin link for importing into TalentTreeManager(TTM) in the post, however, is UTD.