Translation: “if you ignore everything that’s different, they’re the same”.
You should go back and read your posts like these every time you feel like expressing the whole “reasonable arbiter” facade you like to keep up around here.
I’ve talked about both gameplay and thematic differences. In fact, I used to talk about only gameplay matters when it came to Survival back in the early Legion days because that’s what mattered to me the most. I’ve just come to realise that melee SV is weak on a thematic level too and I shouldn’t play into the fallacy that somehow making SV melee improved it in that area (ostensibly the whole reason they made it melee in the first place).
Uh, what? Those are very different abilities. Were you also wondering why you weren’t seeing any Serpent Stings or Explosive Shots and you weren’t getting any Lock and Load procs? Or why you were instead having to manage Frenzy stacks and Beast Cleave?
Even if we agree that they were too similar, something I will never do because it wasn’t true (at least not since Burning Crusade), it’s not enough to say “too similar therefore SV must be melee”. SV going melee shouldn’t have been anywhere near the top of the priority list for things to do to solve the “problem”. There were countless other possibilities that were all both a) much easier and b) much more effective. Hell, look at MM and BM in Legion. They changed a lot. If you had SV with the same gameplay it did with WoD with no changes at all (not something I support, BTW) it would be vastly different from MM and BM in Legion purely due to how much those specs changed, so evidently it was a non-issue at that point.
This is why I never bought this argument for making it melee. It was such a difficult and out-of-the-way “solution” that only led to so many more core and pressing problems that it’s unthinkable to me that they started from the question “How can we differentiate the Hunter specs” and naturally arrived at “making SV melee” as the logical answer despite all the better ways of doing it they would have had to consider along the way.
I supported pretty much every change they made to Hunters up until Legion. Same with Paladins, my other class: there were plenty of moments e.g. Holy Power where everyone else complained and I defended the changes. I even defended the WoD pruning, and I still do to some extent. I actually look back on those times and realised I defended a lot of things that really didn’t deserve defending and Legion proved once and for all that my loyalty to Blizzard and WoW was woefully misplaced.
It’s not trolling if I fully believe it and put a lot of effort into my posts.
I usually don’t respond to the empty one-liners in your posts since usually they are just a “no-u” tier response to something I already said, but I’ll bite. The specs being too similar in Vanilla and BC was not so much a problem at the time because the standards were different. They weren’t really meant to be different gameplay styles at all at that point. That changed (for the better, IMO) in WotLK and especially Cataclysm, and each expansion furthered that differentiation. Legion was the breaking point where they went off the deep end and started treating specs as different classes.
So talking about BC is a waste of time because it was a very long time ago and the problems with the class back then were largely irrelevant as of the more recent expansions. This would be like complaining that Hunter gameplay is too static because in BC we just spam-clicked a castsequence macro. It’s an ancient and irrelevant problem.
In BC all 3 specs had literally the same gameplay; weaving Steady Shot and Auto Shot.
As much as you like to marginalise the gameplay differences of WoD it wasn’t in the same league. Say we accept the over-generalisation that Explosive Shot and Kill Command were the same thing (hey, at least Survival didn’t literally have Kill Command as part of its toolkit back then!). They are still in a literal sense different abilities at the very least. We didn’t even have that in BC. The core toolkit was exactly the same for all 3 specs.
??? Because it’s relevant?? If tying different effects to Multi-Shot were “too similar” they wouldn’t still be doing it. The fact that they are demonstrates it’s a perfectly valid approach to Hunter AoE and it was in WoD too.
Translation: “if you ignore everything that’s different, they’re the same”.
Here’s the simple outline:
- You claim that there was no way forward for ranged SV, i.e. no mechanics could be introduce to further the spec’s gameplay and identity
- I bring up the WoD trinket which provided a significant and effective boost to both the gameplay and identity
- I bring up other examples where they incorporated effects from items in one expansion into the base class of the next expansion
- Therefore there were demonstrable ways to further ranged SV and you’re wrong
Throughout writing this post here I find myself referring to and reiterating points from my previous post often. That’s why I write a lot of words. It future-proofs my posts. I could leave parts out (and sometimes I do go back and cut unnecessary parts out) but it just means there’s a counterpoint I know is coming yet I’m not proofing my argument against it.
This isn’t even true. Even in rated PvP, which is SV’s strongest showing, you have multiple other melee specs far ahead of SV in representation. There are around triple the amount of Assassination Rogues in rated PvP v.s. Survival Hunters. Funnily enough, given you people keep favourably comparing Survival to Retribution and Arms: both those specs beat SV in representation by a lot on rated PvP.
Yeah, a lot of people avoid the spec (I wonder why…), but you have some exceptional players running SV in PvP right now and even the best will tell you that SV is not as good as a few other melee specs in the game right now. It’s better than quite a few, but it’s worse than a few as well.
And that’s just rated PvP. SV gets smoked in raiding even by the other Hunter specs and it doesn’t even have useful raid utility like Warriors or Demon Hunters. It’s actually one of the least-desirable melee specs in raiding.