Not in the last one I linked to you^^
That’s a topic created on this forum.
I would prefer if you could leave any feedback related to the suggestions in that post, as it was created specifically for that^^
I’ve noticed some confusion for example regarding our discussions about my RSV suggestions and the Mastery thing, when we post in the HCT thread as some who read it aren’t aware of what we’re talking about specifically.
Hence why it’s best to keep feedback related to those suggestions in the linked topic
While it’s pretty obvious that me and Naham disagree on many things, simply because we focus on different elements and how they cater towards spec design.
I’m not against him posting any constructive feedback that he might have after reading my suggestions.
The thing is, it doesn’t matter almost at all whether people think that the specs were similar in the past or not. Because the way specs were designed in the past, is not how we could design them today.
You can look at how RSV was designed in WoD. How it was in MoP. Or in Cata. Or even go as far back as to the beginning with WotLK when it was first implemented as a new playstyle.
You can always take inspiration from certain aspects of those past designs/iterations of RSV. But what you cannot do, is to simply “copy-paste” one of those iterations into modern WoW.
It just would not work due to how classes and specs are designed today. As well as what external systems we have/will have in the future.
If we suggest that RSV should be put into the modern game, it would have to be designed based on the modern systems and philosophies. The spec would have to be designed with the same focus on spec identity as all the other specs have been since Legion.
This is essentially also why I don’t have much interest in pursuing/continuing the discussion I’ve had with Naham regarding what RSV was like in the past. Because that wouldn’t actually be useful to the future anyway.