Survival Hunters Need the Same Treatment as the other Specs

Other hunter specs seem to tie in well with their runes, but it’s not the case with Survival. For example, the talent “Unleashed Fury” stacks perfectly with Beast Mastery the rune for insane levels of damage. Lone Wolf and Master Marksman runes stack extremely well with the talents Aimed Shot, Lethal Shots, and Mortal Shots. Survival talents, however, don’t stack with their associated runes, Carve and Explosive Shot.

Carve should receive the 20% increased critical strike chance from Savage Strikes in the Survival tree, while Explosive Shot should benefit from the Clever Traps talent. This is especially important since we’re getting Explosive Trap in the next phase for AoE damage. (Another reason for a rune that gives Trap Launcher and traps in combat)

It would also make sense for some moves like Flanking Strike, to benefit from more than one tree, as Flaking Strike would improve from any talent enhancing pets, but also from the crit bonus in Survival (Savage Strikes)

Just some food for thought.

Additionally, it would be nice to have trap runes in the coming update. Trap Launcher, Legion’s trap arming timer, and traps in combat.

More details on trap glyphs here:

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I’m liking this idea. I am stuck between wanting to do Survival at 40 or Marks. Better talent support would be nice.


Lone wolf isnt good at all.

It is the only rune in the game that negatively impacts performance vs no rune at all.

I would like to see runes that synergies better for sv and mm though. The only truely good runes are for bm right now.

I can totally relate. I’ve always been a Survival hunter, but there just isn’t any incentive when compared to Marksman or Beast Master. Blizz kinda forgot to connect Survival with the runes. Additionally, we don’t have anything helping out traps, which is how we ROLL!
:muscle:t3: :sunglasses: :+1:t3:

It was just an example of how they can stack, whereas Survival has no tie-ins with their runes at all. I actually do find Lone Wolf is pretty good on a Night Elf. Because our pets can’t turn invisible, I Shadowmeld alone and drop some pretty nasty ambushes with Lone Wolf. That being said, it doesn’t compare to Heart of the Lion, which is overpowered as hell compared to the others.

I would argue HotL is where all chest runes should be power wise.

They could easily make master marksmen viable by making it give the 3% crit buff (for both cwsters and physical) and then make it 3% additional crit for the hunter. And then the reduced mana cost.

The other runes need to be buffed.

Lone wolf is in a very strange spot though because it reeuces total damage and total utility. Which doesn’t work at all. It needs to offer some massive benefits to damage and utility to even have a hope of being viable.

Example. lone wolf
-critical hits with attacks and abilities now cause the target to bleed for 40% of the damage done over 8 seconds
Disengage now throws the hunter back and has a 15 second cd
Hunters mark now also causes the target to bleed for 30% additional damage
Concusive shot now lasts 8 seconds

The problem with the straight up X% increased damage is it puts our burst with aimed auto multi auto chimera shot into very unhealthy levels for a 3-4 seconds burst window (not counting the cast time of aimed shot)

Them giving a peircing shot effect that makes the hunter scale harder with crit, some uncommon utility with mangle debuff (which lets druid pick something else), and a bit of utility for kiting would put it in a much healthier spot and the real tunning for its damage output would be how much % damage the bleed gets from a crit, if it stacks like ignite and deep wounds, etc.

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Indeed, that’s the problem. Making only one rune out of the bunch viable kinda defeats the purpose of having runes.

I agree that they should crank up Lone Wolf to compare to Heart of the Lion. A DoT for crits is a great idea. I would simply combined Master Marksman and Lonewolf into a single rune with that bleed effect. That would definitely make it a contender.

Enhancing Disengage would be a Survival-related rune if anything, and should tie in with Survival talents like Surefooted for removal of snare and root effects. Lone Wolf is more about damage than utility. Can’t make it TOO powerful.

Lone wolf also takes away the utility of having a pet that can tank for you in pve/solo content. So making it more of a mobile / control option would be within reason. And lone wolf is more a mm or sv rune and is only anti bm because it removes the pet.

It fits the theme for both mm and sv. Which isnt bad.

Other specs become for viable at higher levels. We also don’t know what other runes we might get.

That’s true. I always thought of it as a support rune for glass cannons, so I didn’t want to make it too powerful, but I can see it going that way too.

Yep, but given the current problems with Survival, it’ll get worse. Right now, we have no connection to the runes in our talents, and they completely skipped over traps, so they need to address that. Hopefully something like my trap rune idea in the next phase.

Is a worthless rune that is a damage lose vs. not using any rune at all. The problem is that melee hunter didn’t get anything that actually lets a hunter be melee. All the real melee classes got major buffs to their already complete melee abilities while we got a couple joke abilities.

I love survival though… meleeing instead of auto shotting. Having my pet do 30% of my damage with BM rune and not being able to run carve (which would skyrocket my trash damage) because swapping is too slow when pulls are happening quickly and it is borderline useless in single target boss fights.

I prefer to just sit there and press FS/RS (hope it resets) RS WC WC RS WC WC RS and then do no dps because my pet got frozen in the 3rd boss ice.

I’m aware of that, hence the thread I just posted, plus my traps one. You hyper fixated on Lone Wolf and didn’t read the rest.

Survival is more than just melee damage, it’s supposed to be about traps and outthinking the enemy. That’s what’s missing here. This is why we need traps to work in combat via a rune. Especially when Explosive trap comes out. Stacked with Explosive Shot or Carve, it’ll be very effective. Trap Launcher for Explosive Shot, and Carve pared up with Explosive Trap up close. Fantastic AoE damage and even something decent for single target when you stack Immolation Trap and Explosive Shot - both upgraded by Clever Traps.

Survival is a terrible tree in general. You’ll perform better just investing in BM even if you want to melee.

You were talking about “synergizing” and I was letting you know that it was not correct. There is no point ever talking about that rune unless it is to talk about how bad it is.

Well that’s kind of the point of why I’m posting this. Survival has great potential if they fix the holes in it. Traps not being usable in combat being a glaring one. That being said, it’s a super fun spec and would be even better if they took my rune suggestions along with this thread.

Not true. Those runes do synergize well. I’ve absolutely merked Horde on my Night Elf hunter using lone wolf. Could some of them be better, yes, but they’re still a massive improvement over not having them - whereas Survival gets none of that. Nothing ties in with our talents, and traps have been completely ignored despite being a vital part of how we fight.

Again, my rune and integration suggestions would totally turn this spec around into something viable.

Made a post a while back about hunter runes if you wanna take a look.

So, I’ll bite the bullet and say I really hope in combat traps won’t be some huge thing in PvE. Its pretty boring/stale, either a point and click AoE, or serpent sting V2. If this is going to be the case I atleast hope we get new traps, or something that makes abilities somehow synergize with them.

Now of course this is PvE speak only. Trap launcher/In combat traps would be absolutely disgusting right about now, and I would adore getting that.

I’d really rather see the PvE side of Survival go in a different direction, and there’s definitely no problem with some runes being the “PvP” runes and such, offering more varied play styles.

@40 survival is a pve spec. Some more bonus damage, agi and some hit.

Big red Full BM is a 2min hunter pvp spec.

70 mage crying on a currently dead spec? Most likely still not note worthy at 40 … lol

I’ll have a look!

You can play whatever you like :slightly_smiling_face:, but it’s nice for trap fans to have the option. I don’t know if you looked at my trap thread, but I did come up with some cool mechanics for armed traps. Might make it a little more fun.

Says the Paladin… Not sure what you’re going on about here because it’s so vague and poorly written, but Survival is not a PvE spec. I’ve always used Survival since the early days of WoW and it performs better in PvP if you know what you’re doing, than in PvE. Hint: If you’re only trying to top dps charts, then you don’t understand PvP.

The problem here is that these new rune abilities only synergize with some specs, but not Survival. Just look at Rogue, and how well their new moves tie in their talent trees. Literally none of the new abilities tie in with Survival talents and a huge component of Survival, namely traps, is being ignored. All I’m asking is that they work on this, and I’ve provided solutions instead of just prattling on about the problems.

How that is “crying” between you and the narcotics you clearly rocked before writing this comment. Again, you’re playing a Paladin… you have no right to lecture anyone on OP classes.