If you have not at least tried survival hunter for several hours in a challenging position I don’t want your post, this is for people who know the spec. I have played survival hunter for the last 2 years of BFA with 50 days of playtime, 5/12 mythic prog in pugs, and a 2k IO score JUST from doing my weekly 15s for gear and no pushing. I LOVE the current survival hunter and I have seen several people in the forums talking about a new Survival or a need for reworking and what not and WE NEED WORK but we DO NOT need to completely remake it, we need to not be ignored by blizzard.
Blizzard, , there is NO need to have arcane/steady shot if we need to macro a weapon swap, either make it usable at all times, remove them and give us something better, or let survival be unique again where we can dual wield a melee and ranged weapon LET US BE UNIQUE AGAIN. Right now we are just some other hunter class with a stick. Give us something special please, we got 0 love in shadowlands so far, the only beneficial unpruning we got was kill shot and hunters mark and hunters mark got nerfed due to its removal of the damage bonus so its only useful against Druids/Rogues/Hunters with camo and Mages with Invis IN PVP there is no practical use for pve now. Also, give us our auras back so we have something to bring to the raid versus the typical 1dps stack because they can pop combustion and spam fireball fireball pyroblast. Surv hunter is denied entry most of the time because we bring nothing that a higher damaging broken BM/MM spec can bring or a buff that benefits everyone for having us there, we need to have something different and, again, unique to separate us from the meta chads with a 2button rotation.
Also, why are we using Staves and Polearms?? Gives us Axes, Maces and Swords and remove the stupid staves, there are 6 classes who use staves but only 3 classes who use swords/axes/maces, what champion of azeroth beats an old god to death with an old stick they found on the walk to the raid entrance??
Next, dont you dare get me started about talents, there is almost 0 room to break away from survival meta and create a unique playstyle with survival, for PVP and PVE there are set metas, YES thats a common thing among all classes but u can atleast give us this ONE thing in making Mongoose Bite replace Raptor Strike as baseline, if u play survival and use anything besides mongoose bite you might as well call yourself Johnny Depp cuz ur getting abused. Open that row and give us something interesting, I LOVE flanking strike, i think its a great ability, hell maybe better than harpoon tbh, its great fun with that one but i cant get around the need for mongoose bite.
Finally in SL literally what the hell are our Legendaries? Did anyone at blizzard represent us or was this some wheel of misfortune? I may just not even wear one theyre so useless like what is that? You gave us azerite traits, HOA abilties, and pvp talents that are weakened from their predecessors and expect us to keep up with stuff like Akaari’s Soul Fragment from Subtlety rogues?? Please give us something original, ask the community and give us a chance for once to improve our own game. “We know what you want not us” well then why the hell are we never satisfied with your answer? Are you asking the right audience even?? Where is our LEGENDARY gear all im seeing is throwaway items you guys didnt even think about.
Other survival hunters, let me know what you think, try to consider both sides, pvp and pve, dont just complain about how it affects your one aspect of the game if you can help it.
Also, I am hoping we can get a buff as survival hunters, IM NOT ENTIRELY SURE due to my lack of multiple testings, only that done by myself, but the loss of the 20bonus base energy and haste bonus of the Heart of Azeroth in SL I fear that we may become completely obsolete overall whether PVP or PVE, again, based upon my own personal testing alone. A %damage buff or %haste buff as many classes have (maybe not haste but stats in general) to offset this major loss. It has been done to feral druids who were in quite the same spot so I see no reason why it should be taken off the table as an option.