I’ll definitely have to agree here that survival wasn’t a dedicated hunter melee tree, but it made it so you could do range/melee equally average. Raptor strike actually could hit very hard where it was in line with an arms warrior special attack.
You couldn’t sit there realistically and ditch range completely in survival and think you weren’t missing anything, but it could easily give people a run for their money, so to speak. And casters? Hunters could eat through them in melee.
My thoughts exactly. The Survival tree allowed you to, well, survive in melee range much better. You have improved wing clip, entrapment, raptor strike critting more often, Deterrence, Counterattack, more stamina and other things. All of these tools made you much better in melee and allowed you to get people out of your melee range, either through multiple snare options or by scaring casters off with a huge raptor strike crit.
Survival boosts your melee capabilities and makes your melee range less of a weakness. It isn’t a melee tree, it’s the Survival tree.
So does BM? You know, the Hunter specs make the Hunter class play like a Hunter.
Yes there is. Survival spec wasn’t a strong, or even mediocre, melee spec. You seem to be under the impression that Classic specs were treated like Retail specs when they are not. Each spec isn’t it’s own “class”, it’s just a focus. The core the class is the same over all 3 specs.
No, it’s not. Well, I guess they could have been around but no one took any of them seriously because it was a joke idea. I actually used to melee on a hunter for S&G’s and… it was garbage. It was like people doing a DW MS warrior; yeah you COULD do it, but it sure wasn’t a good idea.
It’s exactly this. It’s a tree that shores up a weakness, it doesn’t flip the class over and neuter ranged option to bring melee damage to the fore. The class is still a ranged combat class, no matter where, or even if, you use your talent points.
Survival isnt about being melee dps. Infact savage strike is the only thing actually targeted at melee dps. Everything else is either overall dps or defensive talents. Counterstrike is used for the root and so is improved wing clip. Infact id imagine in its current form savage strikes is the stand out.
While the original Survival tree had some more melee stuff in it than the post-revamp one, I’d argue Survival was more of a tree about control and defense than anything else.
Even pre-revamp it has things like improved traps, rooting on all traps, roots on Wing Clip, increased dodge and parry, Deterrence, and Counter-Attack.
The revamp focused the tree more into that area than it did melee DPS, which was always considered a weak aspect of the Hunter class to begin with.
exceptional means “good”. every other spec will deal with melees better than survival.
survival was never meant as a melee tree, it was meant as a CC focused/escape tree.
tranq shot doesn’t do anything in pvp, and wyvern sting is a 12 second incap which lets you run from anyone on their way to gank you. if the requirement for the target to be OOC wasn’t there, it’d actually be a decent pvp talent instead of an okay one.
i know your trolling but for the people who might NOT know any better- i want to clear something up here;
ranged classes had only a few melee abilities- ONLY in case of close ranged combat. this was not their ‘spec’ but off abilities that could be used in a ‘needed’ basis. its like comparing a lock’s ability to auto attack with a staff, to their actual class abilities and claiming they are the same thing. they arent.
Patch 1.12 Survival looks very cool. Saying it “has no point” is like saying there’s no point to there being more than one rogue spec, since all three are dual-wielding melee damage.
Tranquilizing Shot dispels some raid bosses’ enrage; that’s what it does, and you also need a drop from Molten Core to even learn it. If you’re thinking in Modern enough terms to be under the impression it does all the stuff they loaded onto it sometime in the WotLK/Cataclysm time-frame, you’re not nearly clear enough on what was and wasn’t in Classic to be talking rather than listening.
Yeah, but the difference is, old Survival didn’t play like the new Survival, so im not sure what your point is.
The strength of the spec is completely irrelevant when discussing fantasy. You could give 1.12.1 Survival Hunters a talent that gives them +1000 agility which would make them do more DPS than Marks, but it wouldn’t still make their theme stronger than Marks. In fact, quite the opposite.
He is actually completely right. Melee Hunters existed at one point in Vanilla. They may not have been the most optimal spec, but they definitely existed. To say that you didn’t know they existed, proves you are simply ignorant about how melee hunters were played in Vanilla.
But even if no one played it, it wouldn’t change the fact that the tree is designed as melee and filled with melee talents.
And even you admit it was possible in your last paragraph, so your entire point is moot.
That’s absolutely not true, by the way. Survival tree was unquestionably a melee tree, and was being played as such.
Your illogical idea of a hybrid “range/melee spec” won’t work and wasn’t the original design of the tree. We can keep on arguing about semantics on these forums all day, but a tree that has only melee talents is unquestionably and irrefutably a melee tree.
You don’t just take stuff like 5% melee crit and hit and then except to go ranged. If you wanted to play ranged Hunter, you’d go to the Marksmanship tree. No one spends 31 talents on strictly melee talents and except to do “sort of okay” in melee.