Survival Hunter needs a redesign


and ricochet!

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This argument would carry more weight if there was ever a time where a lot of specs were actually hard to play. It wasn’t the easiest, but even if that was the case, “easiest” becomes a meaningless phrase when barely any spec is actually hard to play.


Maybe “entire game” was a bit of an exaggeration, but once ES and black arrow refreshing wasn’t a dps loss anymore it was just a very simple priority spec.
But yeha I agree probably no spec was difficult at that time. Still WoD BM required much more management than the 2 other specs and idk why ppl think otherwise (even back then).

Also I wouldn’t be against a return of the old version of the spec (modernized), but please reskin black arrow because that spell made no sense thematically. This doesn’t need to be at the cost of the melee option though, would make maining hunter 100% more boring for me even though I raided way more with ranged SV than melee (because for some reason this is the metrics ppl look at).

I guess that depends on how you define “management”.


Yes and no really. I guess it comes down to how much you think it defines the class based on the Dark Ranger fantasy. If that’s your primary basis, I’d agree. However, if anything, Black Arrow as part of the hunter class has never been anything but a reference or inspiration from said fantasy. In WoW, the design have never actually suggested that we’re opting to channel unholy magic, or even use it to any degree beyond simply firing the projectile towards the enemy.

And even more so lately, since BfA I think it was, it seems as if the devs want at least a part of the hunter fantasy to involve aspects of Dark Rangers as well, with the addition of the quest line + the exclusive cosmetics etc. They should keep the fantasy open for interpretation, rather than actually turning us into DRs, by making us channel unholy magic etc. In other words, firing a projectile/arrow which has previously been infused with magic does not make us DRs, it simply makes us hunters who fire projectiles.

With that said, since the fantasy and theme of RSV was primarily about augmentations/enhancements to said projectiles, I do think the aforementioned ability fits just fine.

Agreed. Give us that 4th spec option and it’s all good really…


Consuming frenzy stacks at the right time was a little more confusing than pure prio specs like MM or SV imo.

I guess it’s down to interpretation, I’ve always seen it as a Dark Ranger signature ability. That being said I don’t like throwing bombs at my feet either.


So I’ve been playing around with a bit of a survival redesign of sorts. Here are a few of my ideas.

  1. Most importantly: please give us a better mastery. It doesn’t affect Wildfire Bombs or Kill Command which are a large part of our damage. We currently avoid mastery like the plague.

  2. Kind of related to the first point, but Wildfire Bomb doesn’t really have that much interaction with our kit. I think actively making us manage the DoT from the bomb might make it feel more engaging. Give the DoT component a proc chance to regain focus / make Mongoose Bite free / Kill Command crit / etc.

  3. Make Mongoose Bite baseline and send Raptor strike to the shadow realm. Does anyone not use Mongoose Bite? The first point of our talent tree is Raptor Strike and that just feels like a waste to me. Just put Mongoose Bite at the top of the tree.

4: I feel like we have way too many boring talents like “X ability does Y% more” which also leads to us having a plethora of 2 point nodes.

5: Here are a few sample talents I have thought of. Some of them are just redesigns of current talents.

Butchery: Just make the CD reduction for Bombs baseline here. Also, Carve is useless.

Furious Bite: Mongoose Bite has a 2% increased chance to critically strike for each stack of Mongoose Fury.

Flanking Strike: You and your pet leap to the target and strike it as one, dealing a total of [(Attack power * 2.46 * (1 + Versatility)) + ((245.9% of Attack power))] Physical damage.
Using Flanking Strike causes Mongoose Bite to increase the damage of Kill Command by 10% for 10 seconds, stacking up to 3 times.
Generates 30 Focus for you and your pet.

Strike as One: Each time Kill Command’s cooldown is reset, the cooldown of Flanking Strike is reduced by 3 seconds.

Frenzy Strikes: Melee attacks and abilities have a 20% chance to strike again at 50% effectiveness.

Energetic Ally: You and your pets maximum Focus is increased by 10. Each time you or your pet critically strike with a melee attack, the other gains 5 focus. This effect can only occur once every 3 seconds.

Aspect of the Lion: You and your Pet take on the Aspect of the Lion, increasing focus regeneration by 10% and reducing the cooldown of your pet’s basic attack by 1 second. (2 point node)

Coordinated Assault: You and your pet charge your enemy, striking them for a combined [((125% of Attack power)) + ((125% of Attack power) * 0.6)] Physical damage. You and your pet’s bond is then strengthened for 20 sec, causing your Kill Command to empower your next spell cast:
Additionally, Kill Command’s cooldown is reduced by 25% for 20 seconds.

Explosive Shot: Explodes a second time 3 seconds after exploding.
Wildfire Bomb: Throw an additional bomb at 50% effectiveness.
Kill Shot: Bleed the target for 50% of Kill Shot’s damage over 6 sec.

Survival should have melee and range like classic


The specs just a mess of class fantasy all around
Rexxar dual wields, survival can’t dual wield
They throw bombs in melee range, are they stupid?
it is basically the same spec as bm with all the pet enhancing abilities, coordinated assault is essentially bestial wrath 2
idk what they’re trying to do here


I don’t see how this is a problem

You don’t think its a bad idea to throw grenades at someone who’s in your face?


I mean it’s as bad as an idea of using Rain of Fire on someone in your face, or on top of an enemy your friends are fighting. It’s a bad idea to use Fel magic in general. Probably a bad idea to use Bladestorm and spin around really fast in combat. Bad idea to use Volley on top of your pet, or multishot, or explosive shot, probably bad idea to use Beast Cleave while your friends are near your target too.

The game requires a bit of suspension of disbelief :stuck_out_tongue:


Fire Mages and Warlocks do it all the time

This is what happens when instead of building a core class and making talents grow a part of the class, you instead break the class down into three parts.

None of the current implementations of the Hunter specs “feel” like a Hunter, except for BM, and even then - it can’t melee.

The talent system should help you lean into one part of the class fantasy, and ideally allow you to grow a bit into another - while investing none into a third aspect. So if I wanted to be a masterful Archer and Survivalist, I could invest mostly into MM, and some into SV, and I could use ranged/melee interchangeably (though I’d do more when I’m using ranged, of course). If I wanted to be a Master of beasts, I could invest heavily into BM and some into MM, so I could stand back and let my beasts do everything. If I wanted to be a melee fighter who works with a pet, SV with some BM. A melee fighter who can disengage, SV with MM.

Right now it’s pick 1, and it’s clearly not working for Hunter who used to pick all three.

sounds like you want to play classic tbh


So another rework? How many is that?
Surivial , it’ll become spoiled.

as many as MM so far

yeah it sounds like you just like classic tb

It the concept that Hunters use stealth and cunning to take down their enemies. While Survival idea is running at your enemies and telling them “catch”.

Survival is on the opposite end of the Hunter ideology.

Are you implying that BM and MM are stealth classes or what

They use range and ambush to fight. It is part of having a gap between you and a target. Survival has a moment of surprise on the first bomb, but then they get in close and it kill or be killed.

It’s survival cause you fighting to live.