Survival Hunter needs a redesign

Except Rexxar is a Melee Beast Master hunter.

dont need to redesign it. they just need to either copy paste 5.4 or 6.0 build and be done with it already.

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It’s not nonsensical. You realize there was a group of soldiers during the Middle Ages that did just that right? They went in not expecting to survive, but it was a real thing.

I love survival the way it is right now. It’s actually fun.


in is own realm of existence, it could be ok i guess to grant it a pass. but not the way it came to be. at the cost of the removal of the most popular hunter spec by far. ranged survival from cata going into wod was the smoothest and most polished spec blizzard has ever created. it had a perfect rotation, more buttons than bm and around the same as mm. there was not a single flaw imo.

i think if hunter had to get a melee spec it should of been a 4th spec, or it should of been bm for the simple fact that bm was the only theme spec that had actual lore around it and in game characters that were melee bm. aka rexxar and beastlord darmac.

but whats done is done. the spec failed and nobody plays it. not even when it was S++++++++++ tier in season 4 of SL.

Might have worded it weirdly, I didn’t mean Blizz took inspiration from it, but that Primal encapsulates what Survival Hunter should be about.
My B

Zero surprise it’s another Warrior cheerleading for Survival.

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This is my rp character. I main a survival.

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Roleplay lmao

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What can I say. I enjoy making a story and using the rpg aspect of the game.


I mean I enjoyed it aswell but please remove your rose-tinted glass.
It was a 4 buttons prio spec with full mobility. Ppl enjoyed it because it was arguably the easiest spec to play in the entire game. BM was more complex especially in WoD (despite the stigma).

lol, ok there mr. passive.

serpent sting
black arrow
explosive shot
arcane shot
cobra shot
multi shot
kill shot
a murder of crows
glaive toss

then you can also add in snake trap and explosive trap for professional min maxing

lol 4 buttons. you need sleep.


yeah let’s bring back a spec that used poisons explosions and necromancy \m/

Serpent sting was backed into arcane shot, I just don’t remember when exactly.

AMoC was a CD and a talent, I don’t even recall it being the best pick most of the time.

Glaive toss was also a talent and just another prio spell you would use on CD, but ok I’ll give you that one.

Multishot was an AoE spam spell you would never use on single target.

Kill shot got removed in WoD, but before that it was yet another priority spell that functions as a an execute.

Also I don’t think anybody included weak af traps that wouldn’t work on half the bosses but I could be wrong or my memory faded out.

Even when you add all the bloat you mentionned it was still a fully mobile priority based spec that was trivial to play. Again, I’m not saying it wasn’t fun, but for me the fun came mostly from the very straightforward gameplay that allowed me to focus on the fight rather than the gameplay.

nods nods No worries

Bruh you really need to get over this tribalism stuff

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The issue now is that BM and MM share all of these abilities, which would make range Survival less unique and diverse.

It would need enough of an overhaul to separate from the other two. Keeping WfB, having Black Arrow, and Wyvern Sting could be a start. Then focusing on exotic ammunition.

Otherwise, it not enough of a purpose to bring it back with only those abilities.

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Devs: Black Arrow… but Bomb shaped

Pet would add a bleed DoT that would stack, Black Arrow, WfB tick, and Wyvern Sting puts the target to sleep then leaves a DoT.

Range Survival would be about maintaining bleeds and DoTs. It would have to not focus on pets or range damage as those are BM and MM focus. It needs to have enough variance for it to be call a different play-style.

This happened as Hunters shared talents and they started to blur lines, and it was more difficult to see a clear distinction between each.

As much as I like pets I could see Survival having a Lone Wolf option.

maybe also let us through sawblades >_>

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If it was a range class then Lone Wolf could be optional, but as melee it would be a disadvantage to it survival, and distinction from other melee classes.

Axe throw should be a talent that slowed or dazed a target.