Survival Hunter Change Idea


No one cares. Everyone knows the 4pc is busted and blizzard is looking the other way because that’s the only way to get people to play it.

Umm, unholy dk says hi.


Sure is friend.

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Well i’m glad your completely wrong subjective opinion is not what the devs are choosing to follow.

You should hope blizzard doesn’t go with what the players want, it would be changed back tomorrow.


I don’t think they have ever changed anything for 3 people screaming on GD once a year.

Takes more than that I think.

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Numbers don’t lie friend, it’s been the least played spec for a while. Most people don’t want it. Try looking beyond the forums for a change.


because it’s not the most popular =/= people want it changed.

Try again.

Oh, it’s one of things everyone loves but for some reason never uses. Of course…


You know you don’t have to love something to not want to see it removed right.

Try again.

This thread is ridiculous we get it you like rsv we get it you like msv being passive aggressive or aggressive to other people’s interest doesn’t make you more right or wrong lol

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I’m not a fan of specs being remade.
All it does is screw over the fans of it.

It sucks for those who enjoyed the way it worked in the past, but it’s been 3 expansions now.
If people have enjoyed something for this long, it shouldn’t be taken away from them.

You know trying to selectively edit doesn’t help your case, right?

It’s ok to admit, blizzard tried something and it failed to land with the playerbase. Even they themselves admit they knew it would only appeal to a niche audience.

Just blithely going “it’s more fun” means nothing. If it was more fun, more people would be playing it, but far more people played the older version than the current.

So you’re just wrong, but don’t worry, blizzard won’t take your spec away from you like they did to me because then that would be an official admission of failure and they won’t do that.


Looking at played rates in m+ your statement doesn’t add up to facts.

We get it, you are salty and throwing a fit but everything you said is objectively wrong.

Surely you wouldn’t cherry pick one fraction of the game and one specific period of time rather than the overall picture since the change because you know you are wrong?

We get it, you are really bad at this, but please, keep trying. :rofl:


But i thought numbers don’t lie though? Why are your imaginary made up numbers better than real facts? Pushing a narrative maybe?

Maybe you should tell the ~27% of hunter players they are playing a “dead meme spec” because random angry forum poster #317 said so.

Enjoy seething about being wrong. Year of the spear hype.

They don’t.

It’s a spec no one asked for and no one wants aside from a few people who think playing bm with a stick is unique and the overall numbers reflect that.

Enjoy your busted tier set while it lasts cause it’s the only way it gets any attention at all.


People always act like every spec is viable all the time. A 4th spec could sit in the dumpster and be easy to maintain. The problem is people can’t be happy with a theme and play in the Open World.

They want their theme to be Top DPS through a rotation a child couldn’t screw up.

Tbh they could make MM customizable in the new talent tree setup so old Explosive Shot (if talented) replaced Aimed Shot as they both have 2 charges. Black Arrow could be picked via talent as well, and if Lock & Load is baseline, it’ll just reset Exp Shot instead of AiS. It’s a pretty clean swap imo.

The hate SV gets is unwarranted, BM is boring and MM is alright but i enjoy the way SV plays (pre tier, not so much after tier being a fishing for bomb proc simulator). As for OP, i’m game for adding RSV back as a 4th spec and renaming melee SV to something else but idk how it’d go with MSV being a DH spec