Survival Hunter Change Idea

We had a chat in our guild about Survival Hunters. Most of us have hunter alts and the consensus was that survival is fun but doesn’t necessarily fit well with the rest of the hunter class. Plus the OG hunters in the group were still mad that they lost a ranged spec.

The idea of future spec changes was floated - make survival a third DH spec, and then add a new ranged spec to Hunter. Wildfire bombs just become felflame bombs, and pets are just demons. Then hunters get a new ranged spec that is maybe more dot focused to round out their ranged offerings. That leaves the same number of melee and adds a new ranged.

I thought the idea, at least, was solid enough, but I wanted to see what others thought. Are there hunter/dh mains that would be down for this?


I just want dual wielding.


The only way to fix SV is to take it back to a ranged class. The melee version is an abomination.


No thank you.


The mistake in Legion was making Survival the melee specialization instead of Beast Mastery.


Nothing is wrong with survival, people are just mad they can’t have some 20% heal after killing an enemy and trap based spec which was bad while being ranged. It was a spec with a bland gray identity.

Nah, old surv ranged was garbage level spec.


Demons are food, not pets. If I wanted pet demons, I’d play a warlock.


Surivial didn’t work out so well. The low spec particpation and several revamps and it is still some off kilter class that was never welcomed.

Why not just 4th spec it

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Because there’s no reason to. Hunters already have 2 ranged spec which both work uniquely, MM is ranged no pet spec, Bm, is ranged pet sec, and Surv is melee to be different. There’s nothing else to add.


We must be playing different games.


Your misremembering how old surv ranged was. It was bad. Nostalgia can be a bad thing to rely on you know.


I’m not.

It wasn’t bad up until blizzard starting gutting it halfway through WoD to swap it to melee instead of just making a 4th spec.

Thankfully I’m not relying on nostalgia.


But you are, a 20 or 40% heal in every enemy kill and some focus on traps wasn’t a good spec…infact it was a trash spec with no real creativity or identity. They had nothing unique to bring to the raid, it was copy-paste of MM and Bm with pet and in a weird spot.

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Honestly, when Blizzard sees a class is barely played there should be a focus group on it to figure out why. Same with certain races. Maybe since they are working on better listening, they’ll do this kind of thing once the new expansion is out.

I have always played a Hunter but stick with BM (it’s all about the pets) .


But I’m not.

It was a good spec for many players of the hunter playerbase.

Try learning what a fact is.

Hunter still doesnt.

By this logic every class with multiple specs of the same role are just copy-pastes of another with slight differences. Should we be removing/reworking those too?


But…they did. It’s called demonology work x2.

I already hate it.

What about survival isn’t fitting, by the way? The spec has been about advanced munitions/bombs/elemental arrows/melee enhancements since the beginning.


You haven’t counter-explained why old surv spec was good. Your just relying on fake memories of what they did to think they were good…I know…I tried it on WoD, it was so bad.


DH could use a third, ranged spec, but not sure it would be fair to current SV hunters to be be like ‘Now go level a DH. RIP all your pets.’

What would be nice is if the new talent trees allowed for a ranged version of SV if specd one way and a melee version if specd another way.

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