Survival Hunter Change Idea

Representation statistics have already been linked in the thread and the objective conclusion is that you’re full of it and SV was routinely a popular spec before being nerfed to melee.


But Blizz still decided that the best spec to change to melee was Survival. Probably because they knew the uproar would be far greater if they changed BM and MM doesn’t fit.

The change came during Legion when Spec uniqueness was a big deal and Blizz understood that there wasn’t enough about Survival to really distinguish their spec fantasy from the other two Hunter specs.

ya they seem to do a lot of dumb things (had to pull back on that Spec thing, the whole borrowed powers to name a few, now they need fix this mistake too.)

*when a product attracts less people it’s a failure. ie new coke\classic (MSV is New coke)

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Survival is the most hunter-like spec there is.

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It’s always the melee mains that drop the worst and most uninformed takes in threads like these. First the Demon Hunter, then the Monk, now this Warrior :thinking:


I mean survival could also be a tank spec, right?

I’ve more or less resigned myself to accepting that hunter is a 2 spec class if I want to play ranged dps. Blizzard will probably never change it.


Liking a spec is uninformed now?

Old Surv was the most bland and uninspired spec aside from Combat.

It’ll thankfully never be reverted.

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amazing how something so bland was much more liked than MSV isn’t it…

*what does that tell us about MSV…


People enjoy their simple specs that play themselves.

Just look at BM and Havoc.

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So other than one rogue spec MSV is the most complicated spec in the game… right… (I have not kept track or is it rock bottom again?)

*I’m sure that’s why it’s sooo much less played than old RSV…

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As an outsider, I’ve only ever heard of Surv as a “wasted” spec. No one took it. It was known BY EVERYONE to be a worthless spec.

The ONLY people who took it, were those luddites that thrive on simply “being different.” Doesn’t matter that it was objectively 40% worse and they were gimping their friends when the played together… THEY WERE SPECIAL! THEY WERE UNIQUE!!

I can roll my eyes at players like that, but the real fault lies with Blizzard. THEY MADE THESE SPECS … they SHOULD ALL be playable!!!

Stop telling me to just switch to Fury because Arms is a dumpster fire atm. NO! FIX ARMS!!!

But Survival… was ALWAYS a joke of a spec.

Congrats you just described MSV to a tee (why it has issues finding groups, and not played much) and why now a number of hunters consider the Hunter class as a two spec class now.

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this is only true if you start at legion


You somehow still need to go to melee in order to do aoe damage so I don’t see why not :stuck_out_tongue:

Class fantasy. Think about it. Imagine being like Rexxar, the most iconic hunter that ever did live! He dives into the melee WITH HIS COMPANIONS … not his PETS…Beast master is the PERFECT spec lore wise, nerd wise, and class fantasy wise, to be the melee spec…but for some reason, Blizzard thought “Hmmm, SURVIVING is super hard in melee. Hunters should never be melee…Except the one who is called SURVIVAL…they have a bunch of tricks up their sleeves to evade and slow an disorient their enemies, keeping them at a distance… Be a real shame if somebody made them melee suddenly…”
Then BAM! , here we are, and now every hunter I know refuses to touch the spec after most of them tried it out in Legion. I tried it in Legion. Even got my secret artifact appearances for all three weapons. But as a hunter main since WoTLK…this current Survival spec is 95% not fun…I admit, I like it, but frankly it makes more sense for BM to be moved to melee.
If you REALLY look at a BM hunters skills are mostly their pets. WE get to cast Cobra Shot, Arcane Shot, and Multi-Shot. Multi-shot could be turned into a melee cleave since we ONLY CAST IT TO MAKE OUT PETS DO MORE AOE DAMAGE!!!, Cobra Shot is pretty much a cooldown manager/oops I have full Focus again after being empty 1.5 seconds ago…
And I genuinely know that even pros use Arcane shot as a filler just for SNG’s, or if they need a certain tier set proc or somesuch.
The only other really big ranged ability you have is Barbed Shot, and even then I can fix that too:
Barbed Shot - Changed to “Bleeding Edge”. Charges, 2. Cooldown, 11 Seconds (scaling with haste)
*Effect: Hack into your enemy with your melee weapon, causing them to bleed for 1,951 damage over 8 seconds.
The smell of blood sends your pet into a frenzy, increasing attack speed by 30% for 8 seconds, stacking 3 times.

SEE? Literally just had to change the flavour text, then change to a different recycled animation…BAM, BM hunter now works in melee.
Literally every BM hunter skill, has a melee counterpart that they could use, and come up with new names. Maybe even add in a few new animations. BM is a class, that to me as a hunter main, is a class that is only barely melee, and every one of their skills can immediately transfer over into melee, because 3/4 ranged abilities that you frequently use as a BM hunter, are skills that make your pet do something…so why even be ranged? Why not just say "Screw it, imma go punch slap that demon with my maces with “SirBearingtonIV” and “Shakaka” at my side! The only companions a hunter truly needs.

*edited by Blizzard, replacing inappropriate words

How Ironic

Sounds like you are one of those “Luddites” who gimps others. In fact, since you acknowledge your weakness and refuse to compensate, seems like you are actually intentionally griefing everyone you group with.

yeah when you point at others 3 fingers point back at you.

  • tho I do enjoy playing Arms and do hope it gets better.
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You’re (deliberately… why??) confusing what I quite clearly said.

The first person SPECIFICALLY chooses the gimp spec for no other reason than they get off on being different/difficult.

Contrary to that, I always have and (as long as they don’t muck the actual PLAYSTYLE) always will love how Arms plays. The ONLY thing wrong with Arms is that it (currently) does no damage. But how it PLAYS is still fun. I still enjoy PLAYING Arms. When I picked Arms, it wasn’t gimped, it was strong. I didn’t pick it to be contrary, I picked it because it was FUN.

The playstyle is still inherently FUN, it just does no damage.

There’s an obvious difference. But … go on counting fingers.

For further clarification: with the upcoming changes to Talent trees, you KNOW people are going to pick combinations that are OBVIOUSLY TERRIBLE. You know what the meta is, and you GO OUT OF YOUR WAY to pick things that are just… HORRIBLE.

That’s example 1.

Compared to how, even with picking “the right spec”, there will still be a spec at the bottom (someone always has to be at the bottom). That’s example 2.

And those examples are NOT the same.

Let’s not pretend they “understood” anything when it came to Legion class design. They were making random uninformed shots in the dark and made mistake after mistake after mistake. In fact many of the more minor decisions (i.e. prunings) have already been reverted and they even had to remake Survival to be far more ranged to the point where the melee inclusion is now entirely tokenistic.

The notion that Survival wasn’t distinguished enough comes entirely from melee brains who didn’t know anything about the class beyond the fact that they used a ranged weapon and a pet. You included. It’s false.

No, it’s uninformed to spend most of the thread arguing things like ranged SV was unpopular, it wasn’t distinguished enough from the other specs, and melee SV is a good representation of the Hunter fantasy.

To you, an uninformed Warrior main.

In fact ranged SV was a widely played and enjoyed spec so it seems people didn’t find it bland or uninspired. Your own class is far more bland so what’s that they say about throwing stones in glass houses?

Let’s be clear: joke spec since becoming melee. It was NOT a joke spec when it had Explosive Shot. It’s just been melee for so long now that people assume it was always a meme spec.