So it was a bad idea, it did ok as ranged, did it bring so much more utility as other ranged classes? it was never that far behind (short of wod after blizz murdered it), if less people like the changed product ie bliz’s (new coke) at some point the company should realized (coke classic) is the only way forward.
You literally referred to the Hunter melee weapons of Classic to Cata as an argument to make SV melee yet the moment someone demonstrates that ranged weapons were considered to be the iconic part of the class it’s all “nooo you can’t use Classic as an argument”
I started one month after launch (was still playing EQ at the time is why it was not at launch) and now I’m only subbed for Classic, the only time I use melee is when I’m farming stuff so easy it’s a waste of ammo to use it.
Meme hunter was a meme joke for a reason.
your the one saying about pets were the all iconic thing and range had nothing do to with the past classic.
You literally referred to the Hunter melee seapons of Classic to Cata as an argument to make SV melee yet the moment someone demonstrates that ranged weapons were considered to be the iconic part of the class it’s all “nooo you can’t use Classic as an argument”
LOL what?
I said Hunters used to carry melee Weapons to show they weren’t just ranged. I didn’t dig out my old manual until it got referenced here and I said using the “manual” was a bad start for the argument.
Like I said broseph. Things change. Survival was always the least played of the 3 Hunter specs whatever you may think.
A: RSV was not always (least played)
B: not even close least played as MSV (what it’s in a fight for last of all the spec with a rogue one right?)
your the one saying about pets were the all iconic thing
They were one of only 2 Pet Specs in the game until Wrath. The Pet is what made them unique.
RSV was not always (least played)
Are you high? Between the three it was always the least played spec for Hunters.
Just throwing my 2 cents into the round.
I’d love if survival would become a hybrid class.
Building up a Ressource and dotting the enemy from range, the going into melee with the harpoon
Using the Ressource to stack up bombs/traps on the target only to get knocked back (or retreat) by the explosions.
And start from the beginning.
Your quote **
“The most iconic part of the Hunter Class is the Pet not that they’re ranged.”
so now it’s not the Iconic part just something that made it unique, seems even in the manual the pet was just support for staying at ranged.
They do that right now… Exactly all that. The traps are used for utility. The tar trap very good for helping kite adds in mythic plus. And the legendary that turned tar trap into an aoe is still a thing and I used that with my nightborne’s magic racial.
I know of a fact there were time they did good, maybe Bepples can link something (I know he has in the past) , but even at their worst RSV were nowhere near as BAD as MSV.
so now it’s not the Iconic part just something that made it unique
It can also be iconic. I don’t know what else to say to you at this point.
I hate to break this to you but acting like your getting to the “truth” by breaking down what made Hunter Iconic won’t bring old Survival back. This isn’t the debate team or Philosophy 101.
“Iconic” support for ranged but yet more Iconic than the ranged part…
Either way and it may never make a difference, what I really don’t care for this revisionist history, MSV was never a “real” thing in Classic, the ranged attack was the preferred way for a hunter to attack up till legion, and RSV never had as low as population as MSV as a Product it’s a failure, that’s just a fact.
Mhm perhaps, but I’d love if it would really play like a Red mage from FFXIV.
Unloading the range Ressource in a big combo finisher and building again.
In the end you would still be in melee because of the Auto Attacks for more DPS.
MSV was never a “real” thing in Classic
That didn’t stop players from asking for melee Hunter to become a thing. It just took until Legion for that to come to pass.
I think Hunters have great Class diversity right now. There are options for everyone.
I want a melee hunter class. But a melee hunter class not so focused on bombs and ranged poisons and stuff. And I want melee hunter to have dual wielding like a true d&d ranger
This guy from final fantasy dissidia has perfect mixed closed range and ranged combos. It’s what I wish sv hunter was more of.
I was on the forum’s a lot, people were asking for a ton of things more than a melee hunter ,maybe it would come up once a year (and that’s a stretch)
Not for RSV players (and if you try to say BM or MM play’s anything like RSV did I’ll know then you’re just here trolling).
I’m on my phone right now so I can’t easily check my bookmarks but I linked some representation statistics in a recent post of mine in this thread.
EDIT: This bookmarked post of mine has some links.
While we’re at it let’s remove Stealth from Outlaw. Because after all it’s just the third of three stealthy dual-wielders with slightly different types of stabbing. It’s kind of redundant. Apparently handicapping specs is a good way to make them unique in a class. Melee brain class design takes in a nutshell. It depends on your definition of “many” because we do actually have some insight into how many people play it from things like warcraftlogs and wowranks. While it’s obviously not zero, …
What other class gives you the feel of a d&d melee ranger? None. This is the closest thing we get and it’s not even able to dual wield sadly