Survival Hunter Change Idea

Mhm perhaps, but I’d love if it would really play like a Red mage from FFXIV.
Unloading the range Ressource in a big combo finisher and building again.

In the end you would still be in melee because of the Auto Attacks for more DPS.

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That didn’t stop players from asking for melee Hunter to become a thing. It just took until Legion for that to come to pass.

I think Hunters have great Class diversity right now. There are options for everyone.

I want a melee hunter class. But a melee hunter class not so focused on bombs and ranged poisons and stuff. And I want melee hunter to have dual wielding like a true d&d ranger

This guy from final fantasy dissidia has perfect mixed closed range and ranged combos. It’s what I wish sv hunter was more of.

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I was on the forum’s a lot, people were asking for a ton of things more than a melee hunter ,maybe it would come up once a year (and that’s a stretch)

Not for RSV players (and if you try to say BM or MM play’s anything like RSV did I’ll know then you’re just here trolling).


I’m on my phone right now so I can’t easily check my bookmarks but I linked some representation statistics in a recent post of mine in this thread.

EDIT: This bookmarked post of mine has some links.

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What other class gives you the feel of a d&d melee ranger? None. This is the closest thing we get and it’s not even able to dual wield sadly

Representation statistics have already been linked in the thread and the objective conclusion is that you’re full of it and SV was routinely a popular spec before being nerfed to melee.


But Blizz still decided that the best spec to change to melee was Survival. Probably because they knew the uproar would be far greater if they changed BM and MM doesn’t fit.

The change came during Legion when Spec uniqueness was a big deal and Blizz understood that there wasn’t enough about Survival to really distinguish their spec fantasy from the other two Hunter specs.

ya they seem to do a lot of dumb things (had to pull back on that Spec thing, the whole borrowed powers to name a few, now they need fix this mistake too.)

*when a product attracts less people it’s a failure. ie new coke\classic (MSV is New coke)

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Survival is the most hunter-like spec there is.

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It’s always the melee mains that drop the worst and most uninformed takes in threads like these. First the Demon Hunter, then the Monk, now this Warrior :thinking:


I mean survival could also be a tank spec, right?

I’ve more or less resigned myself to accepting that hunter is a 2 spec class if I want to play ranged dps. Blizzard will probably never change it.


Liking a spec is uninformed now?

Old Surv was the most bland and uninspired spec aside from Combat.

It’ll thankfully never be reverted.

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amazing how something so bland was much more liked than MSV isn’t it…

*what does that tell us about MSV…


People enjoy their simple specs that play themselves.

Just look at BM and Havoc.

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So other than one rogue spec MSV is the most complicated spec in the game… right… (I have not kept track or is it rock bottom again?)

*I’m sure that’s why it’s sooo much less played than old RSV…

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As an outsider, I’ve only ever heard of Surv as a “wasted” spec. No one took it. It was known BY EVERYONE to be a worthless spec.

The ONLY people who took it, were those luddites that thrive on simply “being different.” Doesn’t matter that it was objectively 40% worse and they were gimping their friends when the played together… THEY WERE SPECIAL! THEY WERE UNIQUE!!

I can roll my eyes at players like that, but the real fault lies with Blizzard. THEY MADE THESE SPECS … they SHOULD ALL be playable!!!

Stop telling me to just switch to Fury because Arms is a dumpster fire atm. NO! FIX ARMS!!!

But Survival… was ALWAYS a joke of a spec.