Survival Dual Wield

This isn’t necessary for ww monks and it shouldn’t be needed for SV

Historically there have been no difference in playstyle for sv whether dual wielding or not, if they allow sv to dual wield there should be no difference.

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For DKs and warriors the choice between dual wield or just one weapon has to some degree changed your flow/playstyle.
But for Hunters and shamans to some extent perhaps this is not the case.

A sv Hunter who dual wields does the exakt same thing as a sv Hunter with one weapon. Dual wield is two weapons with faster attack speed but would balancewise be the same damage. And attacks, like raptor strike, damage is not calculated from the main hand or both hands etc. But it is simplified by Blizzard a long time ago, to make tuning easier. Its calculated from AP. So there would not need to be any big recalculations and rebalancing.

It is simply the same spec with the same attacks doing the same damage but the character swings two smaller weapons more often for less damage (white damage) instead of one slower weapon for more damage per hit. Animations are so basic for the sv Hunters melee attacks that there would not be any need for any big rework/effort there either. Just use the 1h weapon swings with some green/yellow tints to it, similar as it is currently with a 2h weapon swing with green or yellow tint.


That’s not accurate. FDK has passives that explicitly allow abilities to hit with both weapons, and the AP coefficient for DW is lower to account for this. Additionally, there are passive flat% procs that would need to be converted to RPPM or the DW variant would get literally more than double the procs over the same period (due to attacking twice per auto attack, and with faster weapons to boot).

I think it would be cool. I have fond memories of running around in Vanilla with DW Bone Slicing Hatchets with +15agi on my hips. I ran DW (for my stat sticks) whenever I could get drops, because it looked cooler, didn’t clip my cloak or quiver, and let me get better value from my enchants.

If I were to play SV and had the choice, I would be DW 100% of the time of possible.

But don’t claim it would be no work to make it happen mechanically.

And when or where have I or anyone else for that matter said it would be “no work”?

I have been very clear that there needs to be done some work for it to happen. Proccs and adjusting weapon swings are two for sure. Cant think of any more, but it is early in the morning.
My point is that all the people against the change keep claiming its this monumental task requiring huge amounts of resources and time. It does not, is my point. But i have never said it would be no work.

Maybe “no work” is hyperbole, but the clear read on this statement is “It would be super easy to implement DW, they just don’t want to”, which isn’t the case.

If they wanted to, they could, but it would be a ton of work and people who prefer the option that winds up doing less damage would be justifiably pissed.

They literally can do it though. It just needs to replace the “requires 2-handed weapon” with a “requires melee weapon”. Even in sl there was a short time bug where you could wield a green 2hander + a one handed weapon no problem. It just need to get some animations reassigned in the code which shouldn’t be too hard.

You can even fully dual wield right now with a specific one handed weapon from bfa. Kinda agree on the balancing part, though I doubt many people chose to play sv for its performance. (Maybe 9.2.5 fotmers)

Course it got fun detected pretty soon.

I even convinced Bicmex into doing a few arenas like this.


I mean this reasoning could be used for Any change or addition (or subtraction i guess) in the game.

Something gets changed or added and this requires some work to be done. This work can be large or small. And Blizzard certainly use a prio system to decide what gets done and not.

What i think many of us, who wants dual wield, want to get through to blizzard is that there is quite a lot of people who would like to see this happen. I would argue its more than enough of us for it to be worth the quite small (from a development stantpoint) to make it well worth it.

Again, presedence weighs heavy and just as recent as in SL they have two classes a similar change. Apparently they deemed it worth the work then… What makes it not worth for Hunters?


This is everything ive dreamed off and more i wonder if this is still doable

Not with those swords, but yup.

How if i may ask, im always on the look out :eyes:

That would be awesome. I miss running with 2 axes.

Problem is weapon drop for dual wielding 1h weapon. I’m running my furry warrior and one weapon is 226 2h and other is 240 same with one handed one is 220 ish other is 250. Problem is loot drop

Ookin dookin or was it dookin ookin quarterstaff

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In addition to ensuring damage would be balanced, do you think adding passives would be beneficial? Something non-damage related like…

2H: +3 yards range on attacks.
DW: +X% chance to parry.

Just spit ballin some ideas that came to mind.

That would make it interesting but Also more work and harder to balance. Considering they so far havent managed to get SV or class tree to a decent state i’d rather they not. Just add it as a more cosmetic/style decisions and dont mix in character power into it.

No i don’t think it would, because again historically there have been no difference, and there shouldn’t be if its added back

True, and destroyed the dual weild animation in the process

thank god sv won’t have that problem :heart:

Imagine the ability to play a class instead of the spec. The game needs to evolve beyond specs and integrate them into one giant sphere grid and let people pick and choose there abilities that they wish to use. To fix the weapons each class gets base abilities with there chosen weapon and then gets abilities from the sphere grid on top of it.

Maybe someday we will see the development team go outside the box and get creative instead of falling back on older things. I’m hoping that someone from the dev team sees my post and brings it up in a meeting or something.

So i was able to confirm this works and my new goal in life is to get off hand weapons so i can make this work