Survival Dual Wield

Would still matter if we’re getting proc wep (ie veinripper) and weapon enchants.

I just want my Huntress to throw NE glaive instead of Arrow pretty please

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For people who want to min max, for those of us who could care less its not that much of an issue, plus it would be balanced around the fact that 2h weapons would be more attractive at the start of tiers because you only need one.

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So it would be same as DKs ?

No dks have actual passives that effect them, on top of the weapon enchant thing, their situation is way more severe and complex than sv could ever be.

The only real class that could compare would be monks

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there’s no reason why they couldn’t make something like that for sv then, because then we’d have a melee in plate/leather/mail that can choose between 2h or dw

Dw brings nothing to surv other than xmog preferences. Probably hurt you more in pve than help tbh. Easier to get one 2h than 2 1h.


Lore wise there isnt anything to connect msv with dual wielding.
Mechanically speaking, there isnt anything that would create a difference between dual wielding and a two hander.
Thematically speaking, there is nothing that dual wielding fits with, in fact, msv suffers greatly from not having a theme at all.

Therefore, there isnt any way to connect dual wielding with msv. Besides, the addition would just waste substantial about of resources trying to get all the animations and tuning and changes into place before df.

I mean, we used to dual wield (and technically still can) so saying nothing is relating Hunter And DW is just you stating something wrong because you personally dont wanting it.
Shall we perhaps try to not run around saying what we dont want, especially in threads where people just voice their want for something. It does not add anything to the discussion.
And to claim that it adds nothing when clearly a lot of people wants it is just childish. And to Also claim it would take a substantial amount of resources is Also just hyperbole and misinformation. Unless you work for Blizzard and have a good understanding of their resources, what resources would be needed for this change etc, doubt you do though.

So fine, you dont like DW. Noted. But if you cant contribute anything else than false facts and hyperbole perhaps just let the people who wants it back discuss it?

And yes, i doubt any or at least most that are pro DW want it for some weird expectation that it will be stronger than 2h or easier to gear. We want it because it fullfills a thematic look we like and we like the transmogs (2h is just abyssmal in my opinion and both looks worse and has worse animations/sheathing… Just look at how the character runs with 2h for example…).


Ever since I got my hands on 268 or w/e onehander I have been rockin dual wield to mess around in Zm. Had quite a few confused whispers


This is the only good thing with current tier. Since majority of your damage Is bombs and all you do is bomb and kill command then you can, for a relatively small dps loss, skip 2h and still play.

I did casual content like open world and legacy and lower level dungeons early on with bow instead of melee weapon. Lost perhaps 10-15% dps at most and got a lot of surprised whispers. You can do the same with dual wield.

So yes, with this its really baffling when people come here claiming Hunters and dual wield does not connect, have never been a thing and should not be brought into the game… And we are here already dual wielding, and all we really ask is that they make it viable/competitive.

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There is no lore for MSV, if we’re splitting hairs. At least not any that wasn’t crammed in after the fact to justify the change. The example folks always point out for MSV is Rexxar, who is indeed DW, but he’s more of a Beast Master than Survival.

Whatever the case, if we’re looking at the history of melee weapon equipability, other than the time that Hunters could equip NO melee weps, they could ALWAYS dual wield. In fact, one of the biggest sources of crying was from 2h users when Hunters were absolutely nuking people in PvP with Raptor Strike with the Hunter-only stat-stick axe. Can’t remember if that was BC or Wrath. Either way, it was hilarious. EDIT: To clarify, this was hilarious because folks didn’t like that Hunter’s were so successful with a 2 hander.

Really, it’s all numbers and calculations. If special melee attacks were figured off of only attack power, it wouldn’t matter what you were holding. People acting like changing a number from 5 to 10 is a monumental undertaking. For that matter, having worked with various software companies for awhile now, how much you want to bet every class has a config manager where you can adjust these numbers through a GUI? Also, for that matter, when Blizz is doing numbers tuning, why is everything changed in 5% increments? If they REALLY wanted classes to be within ~5% of each other (all things being equal) they would make 1% or .5% changes until it was right. But they don’t, because… I don’t know why? Keeps subs up if people know their class is getting a BIG buff?


I don’t lost raptor either. If you know about what items I am talking about :slight_smile:

I still hate SS animation though. And some of the animations DW look as if you are holding a 2hander which is not nice.

You mean in game or in story? Cause in game unless you never ran iron docks, theres so many melee hunters in there using spears, dropping caltrops and using explosives.


Maybe that was blizz trying to plant the seeds for 2H melee hunters? Still weird that you use explosives at point blank range.

Well anyway, after perusing damage calculations for SV abilities, it looks like it would just be a matter of removing the 2H requirement on… Mongoose and a couple of ultiliy spells? Could very easily be just a “requires melee weapon” thing since damage is figured off of attack power. Blizz would have to reitemize all kinds of 1 handers, though, and since their tagline is “The bare minimum in all circumstances” the odds of this happening are pretty much nil.

What do you mean reitemize weapons? They would just need to enable SV to be able to get 1h drops. There is already 1h items for Hunters, since monks and rogues use the items Hunters would like. Agility weapons with haste/crit/vers.
No need to make/change any items. Just give SV loot access to the 1h weapons we can use.

i feel like you could infer quite a bit from different races at least, there were a ton of melee orc hunters in wod, and i don’t think it would be too much of a stretch for humans (who, long before the human kingdoms were barbarian clans) or dwarves or even trolls to engage in hunting with more than just a bow or a rifle. so from my perspective that’s 2 of the core races (4 if you count allied races) and you could probably make a case for others, too

I have been thinking about this a lot. They have the ability to change between 2h and DW for Fury warriors…So here is a suggestion to make it feasible to pull off: Make mongoose bite a 2h ability (Scale kinda how TG does for Fury) and make raptor strike the DW ability (scaled similar to how fury SMF is). It would allow SV hunters to have the fantasy how they see it in their minds. No additional abilities added or lost. We already have to choose between the 2, why not give it some flavor?

I guess I don’t know how that works now (haven’t paid much attention to that side of things for a looong time.) Are there AGI and STR modifiers that just show up a different way depending on who gets it?

People are all “Derpa Derp used a knife taped to a stick in Mists of Draenorgion and they were a Hunter!” Here’s the thing: ranged weapons are an evolution of technology. Using a melee weapon (1h or 2h) of any sort is already a gimped state. It may seem cool or whatever, but a weapon that fires projectiles keeps you away from harm. I’m talking in game and IRL.

That said, since Blizzard can’t acknowledge how dumb it is to have a melee spec as part of a class whose primary source of mitigation is NOT being in melee range, I’m willing to embrace the “that’s pretty cool” factor of it and make suggestions that give it a little spice. 2H polearms with goofy 2h sword animations don’t jingle my jangle, if you know what I mean. I’m a sucker for a couple of Slayer of the Lifeless strapped to my back.

Yes, most items adapt their main stat based on your class/spec.