Survival Dual Wield

Does any other survival hunter want to be able to dual wield in 10.0? They took melee weapons away from us in Pandaria and when they re introduced it in Legion they wouldn’t let us play duel wield.

Would anyone else care to see it return?


Yes! There seems to be a quite a few of us wanting dual-wield since its brought up very frequently here, on reddit and even in the alpha feedback forums. Its not much to discuss since its a simple request so the threads die away quite fast but they keep popping up.

We have not heard anything from Blizzard though. But i hope they do implemented it since two classes got it implemented for them in SL. Fingers crossed.


I agree, dual wielding would be fun. But at least make a transmog option to make it look like youre dual wielding.

Also would be killer to have enchant effects on our bows, guns and x-bows.


Yeah i think most people are fine with what ever way as long as we can dual wield. Its about the fantasy, theme and looks (transmog) more than a wish to have to get two weapons.


Yep and having two one handed axes would be the whole rexxar theme. Which would be rad.


I would love to dual wield like I did in classic wow.


+1 for the Dual Wield. An easy implementation at this point.


I’m wondering:

  1. who thinks it’s a bad idea
  2. why they thing it’s a bad idea

DW Surv seems like an overall win, maybe a little work making sure it’s balanced, but that’s it.


Since strikes are normalized and not based around weapon strikes anymore, I’m pretty sure there’d be little to no work needed to balance the two styles within 1% of each other. I’m not sure of the math for Bloodseeker & autos so that may require specifics for DW/2h (5% v 10% aspeed for example) but overall it should be pretty 1:1 translation for just about every damage ability, so it should be a fairly simple implementation.


Watching blizz already struggle with msv’s garbo tree, i do not want dual wielding.
I mean, whats the point? They gave frost dks dual wielding back and it did nothing. They gave fury warriors single handed dual wielding and no one ever uses it.
First its requesting ReXxAr wannabe playstyle.
Now its dual wielding.

If these type of requests were made for warriors or rogues whos class dev ACTUALLY gave a crap and put effort into their trees, i could get behind it bc id know they would be able to manage it. But nim or whatever the heck it is for hunters is failing miserably for surv and adding on these unnecessary, resource sponge requests only makes the spec worse at the end. ReXxAr wannabe playstyle already sunk a ton of resources when we could have gotten another round or two of changes we still desperately need.

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Only if they completely rework the animation kit.
Abilities like SS look horrible when dual wielding. Half of raptor strike/mongoose bite animations don’t fit either. (There is a way to preview animations and actually dual wield as sv albeit completely unviable)

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I would imagine it would work much like shamans with Stormstrike and DKs with obliterate. Apart from that, Warriors and Rogues off hands or main hands disappear when using heroic throw or shurikens so they could just replace that animation with xbow if they wanted to.

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Anything that makes off hand “disappear” is a bad design.

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Cant disagree there. Either way I would just be happy to have functional dual wield again lol.

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Frost DKs never lost dual-wielding. They did for one expansion effectively lose the ability to use two-handers.

Single-Minded Fury has been frequently competitive and has almost never been non-viable. It has also far outpaced Titan’s Grip across most of the playable alpha, unintended or not.

Slightly off hunter topic, but I believe there’s a blue post stating that TG will be the competitive choice for high end content, but SMF will still be a viable choice for those who want to use it.

Indeed. My point, though, was simply that those alternate tools have never been a complete waste, even using very strict (e.g., Heroic Raider+ / M15+) bounds of viability.

And, in this case, providing that little feature for free would cost absolutely nothing, as they would not carry the playstyle differences that differentiate DW FDK from 2H FDK or SMF Fury from TG Fury.

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They gave FDKs 2h back and it is awesome!

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you’re nuts if you think that having the choice between dw frost/2h frost is “nothing”


SV would never have this issue because there are no passives that make dw or using a 2hander better, for frost dks theres a passive that makes a difference so its really not comparable for sv atelast.

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