Fail as in fail to complete, not timer.
If you are pushing progression, why would you stay in a key that will not beat the timer?
This suggestion from people who don’t know how IO works needs to stop. It is not an MMR.
To not screw over the people that listed to the key. To grab a few crests. (I’ve also always felt the end chest should have a good chunk of gold in it, like the avg price of a rune or something, but that’s a diff debate)
If you are pushing progression, why are you joining groups with others not pushing progression?
If a person is worried about their crests, they are farming crests. Not pushing progression.
To grief them. Which is what a leaver ratio would disclose the probability of.
So people who are pushing progression specifically join non progression pushing groups to grief them?
That sounds like a self grief.
Humans are cruel.
Then we arent talking about people pushing progression.
Pushing progression does not imply a lack of cruelty, one way or the other.
There just needs to be incentives to stay around even when a key won’t time.
They could add participation currency to the end of dungeon chest in the form of cosmetic or mount currency that increases with the key level.
I’m a fan of just putting myth track gear into the chest on very high keys (15 or a 20), but anything is better than what’s current.
Also for leavers who don’t leave a party but toon swap and troll with the “offline” trick, the system should remove them from party automatically if they login to a different toon.
But your scenario is based on people joining non progression groups to grief them.
Which means we arent talking about people pushing progression.
There are.
Disagree. Someone who is generally pushing progression may get an urge to harm. I believe a completion percentage will help disclose people that are inclined to such behavior.
Getting the urge to harm has nothing to do with pushing keys.
A completion percentage only helps if it is expected that you complete keys. It is not at a certain point.
It will cause many more problems than it will solve. You think people are cruel about leaving a key they don’t time? Wait until you get people who think they know something that won’t take anybody with a fail rate that isn’t 0%?
There’s no safeguarding pug environment. You want a controlled experience? Run with a controlled group.
Never have I implied that it should be a certain point. Only that it be disclosed how likely it is that someone may choose to complete a key.
There is absolutely no way to sufficiently contextualize this to the point where it matters.
But a completion percentage does not give that information out of context.
If I am pushing keys, I would absolutely avoid people with a very high completion rate.
You have IO, historic logs. Plenty of context to be examined.
But you understand it would then mean a very high completion rate is extremely suspect?