Surrender option and negative io m+/bgs

I’m sure there will be push back and some angry comments on this, but I still think there’s validity to it.

From my years of experience playing WoW and diving into both PvP and M+ pretty heavily (Im not a sweaty top tier player, but compete enough) I find there to be a potential opportunity to borrow from MOBA games in m+ and bgs. Especially now with solo que ranked bgs being a thing.

How this would work:

  • In m+ if a person just ups and leaves the dungeon after you have spent 20min+ trying to get through the dungeon, nothing is really done. Sure they may get deserter if its early enough, but that’s about it. It sucks to have happened to you, it does not feel good in any way shape or form. You miss out on vault completion of the dungeon, rewards for dungeon, and most importantly a chunk of your precious game time just wasted. To combat this I propose adding a negative IO hit to those abusive players who just straight up leave, adding some weight and making them think twice about it. What if the dungeon group is just terrible and there’s no way you’re going to get through it? Well, that introduces the surrender option, where the entire group can vote to just call it quits early, much like you see in mobas. Is it perfect? No…but I do feel its better than what we have now by a long shot.


  • With rated bgs (solo que) There are plenty of times you get into a match ranked and unranked where you get just obliterated and then the enemy proceeds to just farm you at your grave yard until the timer runs out. It’s a common occurrence and pretty sure everyone has been victim of this. To combat this there should also be a surrender option available, getting farmed? Surrender and everybody can move on with their day and move on to the next bg instead of having to leave or sit through the torture.

All in All

  • Is this a perfect system? No, its not going to fix the toxicity all together, but I do feel its a decent move in the right direction to give players their time back and enjoyment with the game, without feeling that soul crushing time wasted abandonment or being farmed. Those negative scenarios can impact the player to the point at which they no longer want to play that mode any longer and that plain old stinks.

Anyways thanks for listening and coming to my Ted Talk, what are your opinions on this feel free to open it up in the comments. Also, I hope everyone has a blast going into TWW and happy hunting!



The Deserter debuff only applies to queued content.


This is what will happen: instead of players leaving, they will sit Away From Keyboard until someone else leaves or is kicked to avoid the negative score.

So players have another tool to hold people hostage with…

I would hate to be in any of your prison runs.


ok those are totally valid points, but what else do you propose to make it better? Do you think the current system is good?

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Vet the players you invite or join, run with friends, run with guild members.


And what if im joining a group in the finder tool and my friends arent currently on? These are common occurences for majority of people playing.


I think the current system is probably as fair as they can make it because we all behave awful to each other on repeat. That’s more on the community imho.

Really though, there are times where you get into a group that meets all the optics of being able to do the content and you realize that 1 (sometimes even 2) people got dragged up to a key level they clearly don’t belong in.

Now I’m stuck or being penalized for basically someone else paying (or lucking into) an inflated gear or key they can’t compete in.

The problem is sometimes these severe underperformers don’t even know they shouldn’t be in the content they’re posting for. They don’t even have that much awareness or the mods to spell it out. It’s not like the game says hey, you are passing grey and your APM is trash. Don’t queue for more than a 2 unless you know you’re getting carried.


ya thats a great point too!

I do find it funny that there is no losing in M+ rating seems pointless if you can never lose it.


How about a counter that shows the number of time the person has left a group incomplete in the last few months. Would show in the request to join interface.


Need to first stop players that abandon a m+ run from gaining score / loot if the team still finishes the run , plenty times I’ve had a DPS dip cos they die or team wipes once to a mechanic or the odd unfortunate DC

An incomplete counter may be fine, but does it just go to the first leaver? Does everyone get a tick for an incomplete key? Is that fair?

If you always push the penalty on the person who can perform in the group but not to a point where they can carry a group, the underperformers look like gold. They’re never going to be the ones to leave first, or at all. Especially if they’ve obtained a key they shouldn’t be in.

Often times it’s 1 (maybe 2) underperformers and 1(maybe 2-3) over achievers getting mouthy and pissy in chat about a carry or inability to complete the key. Penalizing those with the ability to do the content would just throw a wrench into group building I think.

I’ve only been in 1 group where someone left. Is it really that common?

I find that usually when an idea is prefaced with “some people will hate this”, it’s usually a pretty bad idea.

I’ve been held captive to the situation of “wait for the match to end while your team refuses to actually do anything after refusing to surrender, or eat the personal penalty to get out early” in MOBAs.

Seems my guess was correct, pretty horrid idea. The day M+ has an indiscriminate leaver penalty is the day I no longer pug M+. Especially as a healer.

Since you don’t get Conquest or extra rating for graveyard camping people, rated games that are that imbalanced typically end quickly.

So again, pretty bad idea. I’m pretty sure Solo Blitz has a leaver penalty baked in already, which it should since Solo Shuffle does as well.

My thought on it is that everyone in the group gets the tick, and no one pugging should really expect to have 100% completion. It’d be a way to tell the difference between someone at 90% vs 50%; 1/10 fails vs 40/80 fails. I don’t want something that would disturb people’s race to io titles, mounts, and such; just something that would make griefers and people with weird expectations stick out.

How do you define an abusive person leaving without also getting innocent bystanders?

M+ is not MMR. Its just a rating of experience.

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Better solved by a mod if you can convince part of the community to DL it, rather than a core blizzard addition imho.

Adding a feature that gate keeps a paying customer that underperforms and penalizes people who are looking for progression and not completion doesn’t seem like the answer to me.

I think the only reason we have blizzard rating is like akston said, it’s a measure of experience and not rank.

Disclosure is not a penalty. Its just honesty.

But at a certain point fails are expected. Making the entire fail rate worthless.

If you have a high success rate, it just means you are staying in easy content.

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If you have a 3k io and a, say, 20% fail rate its obvious you’re pushing progression; 20% fail rate should be no problem for anyone at that rating trying to get into a high key to further their experience. It should be expected. It should also make someone a bit suspicious if they are applying to a 5. All good, all around, the leader of the 5’s time and key is every bit as “valuable” as the high key leader’s pushing content.

Its just disclosure. No rating penalty.

If you only fail 20% of your keys, I would say you are not pushing progression at all.

At least not in pugs.