Suramar Alliance Reconnections

Hey I remember you! It won’t let me switch to Sadie who was previously Enyah - Warrior and I think we raided together in most of those guilds haha.

Oh I definitely remember, you were the warrior that got Hand right?, awesome to see you, Caduto1825 for Bnet if you ever want to add

Yep, that’s me! Nice to see someone is still around. I’m struggling to remember character names of everyone we played with back then! My BNet is Perks#1609.

Lots of familiar names here. I think I raided with you guys. Sadie (used to be Enyah). Wasn’t the main tank for Sand Storm named something like Cyprester? For the life of me I can’t remember who was the raid leader. Good to see you all around!

Would be great if there was a discord for us Suramar peoples and had it separated by guilds. I’ve heard other servers have done this… would be neat.

Hey everyone,

Tohuvabohu - Heavily Bearded Gnome Warlock - No Quarter

Would love to connect with folks again!

Thordin sexy Gnome Mage, and Thorshroom my original Dwarf huntard. Rolled with Three inches of blood.

Also I’m not that hairy, toon selector fail.

No way!

I played a druid named Kelmarouse . I’m playing classic.

No! I think we just played enough to see each other often cause I remember you also haha.

Onphyre (hunter) playing classic

Deming - Human Warrior - Main tank for Honour and Friendship from MC through AQ40.

Playing classic on Kironos - UD Mage, named awkymomo

Holy hell dude, its Deming! Your main tank, how are you? And llon was your brother right?!

Apold we ended up going horde on fairbanks. kinda doing a 180 after fighting with the queues if you wanna come along same goes to the other holy order folks.

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Some of us went to Atiesh - swing by and say hi if you get a chance. We started Sigma over there. I am under Tikan again. Cordae too. Have fun on Herod - I tried rolling there but it was a nightmare for queues.

Hi, this is Wolvan - of Alliance Leet, Fates Revenge and Sigma, I also had some friends on the Horde side in One World Tribe, Three Inches of Blood and a couple other guilds.

I hope everyone is well :slight_smile:

I’m actually looking for Valph - I played with him while we were leveling to 60 at release and am hoping to reconnect. If anyone is still in touch with Valph, I’d appreciate it if you let him know about this post.

Thanks :smiley: And happy WoW’ing!

Holy Pally
Guild: Zeal

This is pretty cool! Can’t believe I remember so many of these names.


I only level toon on suramar till wrath.

1st toon Merrikk/auramoon
NE hunter wowaholics,formidable

2nd toon saphira
Ne Druid

3rd lupa
Draenei shaman

I also played on horde under aliena be priest special sauce,anomaly also my alt was tjani a be rogue

Btag Tjani#1283

Daelyn, Human Mage

Guilds: Volatilis Letum, Nameless Legends, The Black Chaos (briefly)

Incy…come to me…we are about 14 years overdue for some duels :slight_smile: Lakanii… you can come too!